I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! Mine was rather typical. Everyone just came over to my parents house. Im rather peeved though! My mom gave one of my uncles all the freakin leftovers! That made me rather upset haha.. Whats thanksgiving without leftovers!?
I made 3 Cheesecake Pumpkin Pies! Crust and all
I was kind of proud of myself. lol
The weather is so icky here!! It cant decide whether it wants to be cold or warm.
If its going to be cold, i wish it would just snow a bunch!!!
Anyone else have anything interesting to talk about??? I sure dont.
I made 3 Cheesecake Pumpkin Pies! Crust and all

The weather is so icky here!! It cant decide whether it wants to be cold or warm.

Anyone else have anything interesting to talk about??? I sure dont.
That sucks that you didn't get to take any leftovers home. I had a homemade new york cheesecake as well as pumpkin pie. But not the two together. That really sounds delicious. You should be proud of yourself on that