Is it normal to go through a time in your life when it seems like all of your friends disappear? That's how I've been feeling lately and it sucks!! I don't know what it is.. I guess what all of it comes down too is the fact that almost all of my friends are married/engaged and I'm just not in that place yet. Honestly, all of my friends from college but two girls are married now and they all still have another year-2 left of college!! It just doesn't make sense to me and honestly its starting to affect me. Obviously Shady and I want to get married... But not until we have accomplished some things in life other than graduating from high school and getting our own place! Haha, do u know what I mean!? Grrrr
What do I do in this situation? Just kinda hang time and let everything pass or what??

It might be rough now but If you can stick with it I believe it will pay off for you in the end.