Today is boyfriend and I's Anniversary
2 years and 8 months together. Woo hoo! lol, We've been through so much its kind of insane to think about.. ANYWAYS,
Also, I am keeping my "temporary phone number" because its just easier that way. Alot of people already have it and have changed it in their phones so i'm just gonna keep it instead of changing back to my old number. Whomever still needs that number let me know!
Our anual family reunion is next weekend and i can noooooot wait! We'll be headed to Missouri Friday after work and then traveling back on Sunady. So, needless to say it will be a quick tun around!! I wouldnt mind having some talking buddies on the way down there!
I'm still looking for a new and better job.. I just want something stable and something i can make a living off of. The job i have now isnt cutting it.
So, How's everyones week going!?
I <3 Ke$ha

Also, I am keeping my "temporary phone number" because its just easier that way. Alot of people already have it and have changed it in their phones so i'm just gonna keep it instead of changing back to my old number. Whomever still needs that number let me know!
Our anual family reunion is next weekend and i can noooooot wait! We'll be headed to Missouri Friday after work and then traveling back on Sunady. So, needless to say it will be a quick tun around!! I wouldnt mind having some talking buddies on the way down there!

I'm still looking for a new and better job.. I just want something stable and something i can make a living off of. The job i have now isnt cutting it.
So, How's everyones week going!?
I <3 Ke$ha

Happy annuversary!!! Have fun with your family!!
Happy anniversary!!!!