I've seen 2 or 3 Hopefuls with the same name as me and its starting to piss me off!
Shady had an interview today and its pretty much a done deal! The first guy that interviewed him asked if he could start tomorrow! So no more Chartwells for either if us! Thank God. Speaking of Chartwells, I haven't talked to my "friend" Angie in like a week or two. She's not a real friend.
I should be starting my new job Mondayyy! I'm excited.
I'm tired! I'm going to bed.
Goodnight Everyone who cares
When was your first concert and Who was playing!?
(Mine was when I was still in the womb haha. My mom was the lead singer of a band and my dad was running sound lol. Outside the womb I think it was Hanson when I was like Ten or Twelve haha!)

Shady had an interview today and its pretty much a done deal! The first guy that interviewed him asked if he could start tomorrow! So no more Chartwells for either if us! Thank God. Speaking of Chartwells, I haven't talked to my "friend" Angie in like a week or two. She's not a real friend.
I should be starting my new job Mondayyy! I'm excited.
I'm tired! I'm going to bed.
Goodnight Everyone who cares

When was your first concert and Who was playing!?
(Mine was when I was still in the womb haha. My mom was the lead singer of a band and my dad was running sound lol. Outside the womb I think it was Hanson when I was like Ten or Twelve haha!)
My first concert was i guess was the ninja turtles ( yes they did preform live lol) it was in 1990 so i guess i was about 8 my first concert by myself was the beastie boys in the round tour tour and i was 16