So, I got fired from my job on Thursday
all because of my attendance they said. Because I missed two days of work in 2009 and then 4 days a couple weeks ago when I had a sinus infection and mono. All of my bosses knew I really was sick then too cuz I'd come in for a couple hours throughout the week when they needed the help getting set up and all. Then I'd go Home. Well anyways I missed work on wednesday because of the snow here in Indy. My sisters schools only had a two hour delay but my mom had to call them in cuz they couldn't get to the bus stop and we couldn't drive them. We were literally snowed in. I explained that to my boss in a voicemail and I thought everything was fine. My dad got the drive way cleared and we were even able to get out of the neighborhoods by wed night. I went to work thurs at 9 am thinking everything was fine. Then at 1:30 in the afternoon my boss asks me to come with him to the offices. So I do and we go into my bosses, boss office, Josh. They sit me down and josh basically fires me. - even explain why my house was snowed in and how no one in my family could leave the house. But josh wasn't having it. Gary said absolutely nothing which pissed me off even more. So ya I signed what I had to sign. Threw my hat at the asshole josh, turned around and SLAMMED his door shut. You see Josh has had it out for me ever since he moved me out of Caribou and pretty much accused me of either stealing money or not knowing how to count it. I took offense to both allegations. Considering I was a cashier at target for two yrs and never had a problem. I found it all to be fishy and annoying. But I stuck it out and didn't quit like I knew he wanted me to and look where it gets me in the end. Oh well, I finally got my final say with him when he called shady and I into his office later in thje day. He basically wanted to make sure that shady wasn't gonna quit on them and I made sure that josh knew shady was looking for a new job. I also got the last word in the convo with this little dinger. I said "Josh idk what kind of company you're trying to run here but you are doing a very shitty job. Thanks for firing me cuz I was getting so sick of working for you and a company that hired ppl like you. Have a great day." And shady and I walked out. I said my peace and I'm okay now. Hopefully I can claim unemployment off them and go to bartending school?? Anyone ever been??
SoRry for the long blog I just wanted to clue u all in and get it off my chest!! So ya haha what's everyones plans for the weekend??? Let me know. Xoxo

SoRry for the long blog I just wanted to clue u all in and get it off my chest!! So ya haha what's everyones plans for the weekend??? Let me know. Xoxo
that really sucks but if you are at a place that you are not happy then its for the best. im sending you alll the good vibs so you can get a kick ass job. take care
I'm sure you'll find something. Bartending sounds fun!