Boyfriend got me a new laptop and a couple other surprises
It'll hopefully be here by friday or saturday.
Now onto why my boss's boss, Josh is an asshole. I got written up today. TWICE. The first time was because of my attendance. Now, keep in mind most of the days I have missed were excused. SO FUCK OFF, JOSH! You have shit on file for the reasons i missed. The second time I got written up was because my cash register drawer was over $11. Which firstly i don't know how i messed up THAT badly... and secondly this happened on JUNE 1ST!! Thats nearly Two weeks ago and he's just NOW writing me up for it?! That kind of stuff has to be done within three days of the day the drawer was over/under. I looked it up in the company handbook... Whatever I was told that if i miss one more day then they have to terminate me. And I basically have three more shots before i get fired for my drawer being off. It can't be three dollars OVER or three dollars UNDER. I'm not really worried about it. But i really think I need to try and find a better job. I don't get paid enough for everything I put up with on a daily business.
So let me just fill you in a little on the great man that i work for... Josh. He's the one thats over my bosses Gary, Jeff, and Joyce. He is about 45 years old and is probably 2 inches shorter than me. That would make him 5'2" AND he's bald. He has had 3 sexual harassment charges filed on him. He has slept/is sleeping with two of the girls that I work with. One of those girls HAS gotten a raise... She's only been with the company for a month bitch. He's only been working with my company for 5 months... And on friday he called me a hoochie. All because I got sassy with him because I think A boss should know that we have All kinds of sauce for people who get Chick-fil-a at our registers. What kind of boss wouldn't know that kind of thing!? HIM. Josh wouldn't know. So i shook my head at him and kinda asked him why he wouldn't know that. His response was, "I only work here Kylie." My response... "I only work here too, Josh. I've been working here less time than you have." I think it warrants a reaction like that. So anyways two other people got written up today... We're guessing its because Josh's position is online finally. They're trying to find someone new and he's trying to cover his ass by "cracking down" Whatever. He'll be gone soon. Thank God.
THAT was my crazy day today... How's everyone else's week going?

Now onto why my boss's boss, Josh is an asshole. I got written up today. TWICE. The first time was because of my attendance. Now, keep in mind most of the days I have missed were excused. SO FUCK OFF, JOSH! You have shit on file for the reasons i missed. The second time I got written up was because my cash register drawer was over $11. Which firstly i don't know how i messed up THAT badly... and secondly this happened on JUNE 1ST!! Thats nearly Two weeks ago and he's just NOW writing me up for it?! That kind of stuff has to be done within three days of the day the drawer was over/under. I looked it up in the company handbook... Whatever I was told that if i miss one more day then they have to terminate me. And I basically have three more shots before i get fired for my drawer being off. It can't be three dollars OVER or three dollars UNDER. I'm not really worried about it. But i really think I need to try and find a better job. I don't get paid enough for everything I put up with on a daily business.

So let me just fill you in a little on the great man that i work for... Josh. He's the one thats over my bosses Gary, Jeff, and Joyce. He is about 45 years old and is probably 2 inches shorter than me. That would make him 5'2" AND he's bald. He has had 3 sexual harassment charges filed on him. He has slept/is sleeping with two of the girls that I work with. One of those girls HAS gotten a raise... She's only been with the company for a month bitch. He's only been working with my company for 5 months... And on friday he called me a hoochie. All because I got sassy with him because I think A boss should know that we have All kinds of sauce for people who get Chick-fil-a at our registers. What kind of boss wouldn't know that kind of thing!? HIM. Josh wouldn't know. So i shook my head at him and kinda asked him why he wouldn't know that. His response was, "I only work here Kylie." My response... "I only work here too, Josh. I've been working here less time than you have." I think it warrants a reaction like that. So anyways two other people got written up today... We're guessing its because Josh's position is online finally. They're trying to find someone new and he's trying to cover his ass by "cracking down" Whatever. He'll be gone soon. Thank God.
THAT was my crazy day today... How's everyone else's week going?

are u working at a fast food place? because..people working at fast food places as managers have huge egos and think they run the world..just because they wound up as a manager at a shitty fast food place plus its the only place in their life they can boss people around/talk the way they sure they all still live with their mothers or wives who beat them lol.
and i only say this because i was a manager at mcdonalds once!ha, and alright, the power was fun, i wasnt really ever a douchebag because i started out as crew and worked my way up and was friends with everyone..BUT i did get to witness the rest of the 30-40 year old highschool dropouts who came in as managers and tried to run McDonalds like thier own little kingdom..its sad, but know they all get filtered out eventually
and i hope your boyfriends friend is doing okay!..i read your post for a bit ago and that is horrible, hopefully everything will turn out okay for him..