This is from an intro I wrote on Indigo Society - a message board for Indigo people like me!
I will be 29 in February, the 5th. I was born in 79. I love that I was born then and I love that I am Aquarian.
I was born and raised in coastal South Africa. I love that also. I am very proud to be South African. I often consider going back there to fulfill my mission since it is a brand new country with a lot of opportunity for growth. Considering global politics, its pretty neutral, unfortunately we have our own personal conflicts.
I have been living in the UK for 8.5 years. I lived in London and recently moved to Cornwall because I found life in London extremely overwhelming and lonely.
Very few people become very close to me and when they do, they stand by me no matter what. It takes the kind of person who is open minded, patient and non judgmental to become a close friend of mine. I cherish these friends deeply, to the point where I feel overwhelmed by my love for them. Probably because I yearn each day to be accepted generally but know I never will because I am so different.
I grew up with a niaive mother and a chauvinist bipolar bully for a a father who verbally abused me until I left home at 17. I was diagnosed with ADHD but my mom refused to put me on Ritalin. I went for many tests at child psychologists and they all said that I was very intelligent and that there was nothing wrong with me. Yet I had difficulty making friends at school.
I have done all kinds of jobs. I have problems with authority. I am either fired or I leave my jobs. I am yet to find that thing that makes me get out of bed every morning that isnt motivated by the need to pay bills. I am currently a waitress and my colleagues think I am stupid. This really annoys me but I remind myself that I am extremely intelligent in things that they will never comprehend.
I read a lot. I am constantly buying books. I read all kinds of things. I get involved in one subject and read everything I can on it. My Macbook is like a third arm, I sometimes spend 15 hours on the internet, reading, and exploring and getting lost. I love to know stuff about all kinds of things. I wish I was a speed reader so I could read everything I want to know about.
I seek to live a simplistic life. I see myself settling down on the coast of New Zealand, somewhere warm, raising good kids, maybe adopting some but I want to have my own also, I couldnt bare to think of someone as awesome as me not procreating! I want to teach, I am a born leader. I have an innate ability to know how different people think and communicate concepts to them in "their language".
I am quite volatile. I am a highly sensitive person. I notice ten times more things than most people do, light, noise, especially music, what people are thinking or feeling, any slight changes in my usual environment.
I absolutely LOVE being ME!
"People like you NEED to exist so that you can open up minds with your creativity after living as a human on earth and not be dictated by politics or society. That's your job." - My best friend
I will be 29 in February, the 5th. I was born in 79. I love that I was born then and I love that I am Aquarian.
I was born and raised in coastal South Africa. I love that also. I am very proud to be South African. I often consider going back there to fulfill my mission since it is a brand new country with a lot of opportunity for growth. Considering global politics, its pretty neutral, unfortunately we have our own personal conflicts.
I have been living in the UK for 8.5 years. I lived in London and recently moved to Cornwall because I found life in London extremely overwhelming and lonely.
Very few people become very close to me and when they do, they stand by me no matter what. It takes the kind of person who is open minded, patient and non judgmental to become a close friend of mine. I cherish these friends deeply, to the point where I feel overwhelmed by my love for them. Probably because I yearn each day to be accepted generally but know I never will because I am so different.
I grew up with a niaive mother and a chauvinist bipolar bully for a a father who verbally abused me until I left home at 17. I was diagnosed with ADHD but my mom refused to put me on Ritalin. I went for many tests at child psychologists and they all said that I was very intelligent and that there was nothing wrong with me. Yet I had difficulty making friends at school.
I have done all kinds of jobs. I have problems with authority. I am either fired or I leave my jobs. I am yet to find that thing that makes me get out of bed every morning that isnt motivated by the need to pay bills. I am currently a waitress and my colleagues think I am stupid. This really annoys me but I remind myself that I am extremely intelligent in things that they will never comprehend.
I read a lot. I am constantly buying books. I read all kinds of things. I get involved in one subject and read everything I can on it. My Macbook is like a third arm, I sometimes spend 15 hours on the internet, reading, and exploring and getting lost. I love to know stuff about all kinds of things. I wish I was a speed reader so I could read everything I want to know about.
I seek to live a simplistic life. I see myself settling down on the coast of New Zealand, somewhere warm, raising good kids, maybe adopting some but I want to have my own also, I couldnt bare to think of someone as awesome as me not procreating! I want to teach, I am a born leader. I have an innate ability to know how different people think and communicate concepts to them in "their language".
I am quite volatile. I am a highly sensitive person. I notice ten times more things than most people do, light, noise, especially music, what people are thinking or feeling, any slight changes in my usual environment.
I absolutely LOVE being ME!
"People like you NEED to exist so that you can open up minds with your creativity after living as a human on earth and not be dictated by politics or society. That's your job." - My best friend