what a cool night i had tonight.

i went to work, as usual, had a few drinks, made people buy me loads of jagerbobms (jaegermeister in a half glass of red bull) and then went to red square after work and went mental on thr dancefloor to the coolest, hardest techno. i was so drunk and dancing ont he podium and i fell off twice,...
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whoo pillaging and looting!
I have an 'american accent' and even with practice I don't think I could say that with a straight face.
hello there, nice profile
I stayed up really late last night collecting pics of chicks with guns cos thats hot.

Today I expected to get paid just like 50 for the 2 shifts i did last week and instead Ive been paid 300! Im really hoping its not an error and is in fact tax back... Cos Ive now put 100 in my rent savings account, paid my 85...
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My housemate has got me hooked on watching 24 season 3 with her. Today we spent 4 hours sitting on the edge of our seats watching it!

I hate this program so much! I cant believe how intense it is! Sometimes I even have to leave the room!


She actually wants to call in sick to watch the last disc cos we are so...
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like the pic, how did you manage to stay focused on all the tattoo drawing i'd have went nuts?
i didnt draw it, i just found it on the net. i do that. spend hours collecting images i like. i wish i could draw like that!
SO fucking annoyed right now! ARGH!

My ankle is still fucked and today worse than before and I couldnt stand or walk on it, so Ive been sitting alone at home all day with no food and tonight I called 3 people I know who live in the roads around my house to ask if they wouldnt mind going to the shop for me cos...
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Hey - sorry to hear you're havin a bad time of it - but at least your knight came ok and you're eating.

i know that my whole personality has changed because i know that people meet me and then dont get very close to me. they just seem to stay on the outskirts. why is everyone so scared of me?

Having met you in person I thought you were cool - but quite distant - I mean we only kinda hung out for part of an evening but I didn't get the feeling that you wanted to share (not body fluids, but thoughts and feeling) - I know you better from your blog smile yeah we talked about some cool stuff, but it just didn't seem very open. Maybe you just thought i was a prat?

why am i the girl all the guys like but dont want to be anywhere near? im always the girl theyll fuck once. oh, they all like me, especially the taken ones, but they dont want to BE with me. they dont even want to be a friend and hang out with me.

Well come hang out then smile love to make your aquaintance again...

i ended up walking to the shop and i cried cos of the pain and the worst part of it all is i forgot to buy cigarettes!!!!!

Shall I put some ciggs in the post ? wink

Don't you have a grocery delivery company down there - like Waitrose or Ocado?

im so fucking sick of trying to make friends but no one really is a real friend. someone who is there for you no matter what.

Try me. Got nothin to lose, Rumour has it that I make a pretty descent friend. The "no matter what" type friendship grows over time. Not offering that, but i got ears and time smile

Hope you feel better soon - try not to hate all men, we're not all arseholes

sucks ARRR!!!
Ta very much! Very nice!
thanx beauty
my mate andi and i had a really rough drunkan play fight last night and i think he broke my ankle. im about to go to a&e to get it checked out! he threw me onto the coffee table and broke the glass, i have a huge swollen bruise on my back from that. he stood on my neck also and that hurts, as does...
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hope you feel better soon.

i can assure you that you are certainly not a boy smile
Found this on Committed's first set:

With lips like sugar, eyes like meat... I've watched men come, go and cheat...
I sleep to dream and dream of sleep
I had a dream Joe..
That your hands were raised up to the sky
And your mouth was covered in foam.
I've been Crucified, Justified, and Mortified by my behaviour.
Both feminine and masculine, I am...
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Funny-ish true story, I helped Tarrie B flush the toliet once in a club in cardiff! She then told me I was her hero biggrin
So I finally got my computer back from London. Its good to have my beloved back but unfortunately I cant get it hooked up to the internet which sucks, so im still using the house pc...

But, this now means that I can spend the days when there is no surf teaching myself Dreamweaver and Photoshop so I can make myself spangly new websites for...
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I wish I could sit in front of the PC all day looking at hot naked chicks on SG tongue
Femdom job? Explain please! I totally waste my days off. I wake up and plan to spend to them a number of exciting ways, kite flying, exploring and taking pics, or working on one of my cars. And yet I manage to sit at my pc all day, wondering where the time went! Ho hum.

im officially addicted to the internet, i swear i can spend 10hrs straight sitting here. i actually get sore from sitting here.

but anyway, what i wanted to say was, i think i am bipolar. there are definately two sides to me.

the surf chick.

and the alternative chick. and i mean alternative in the coloured hair, tattoos, suicide girl way.

my hair is a...
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I haven't been laid in 6.5 years, true story. Sucks to be me right now.

hello new pal...

marriage isnt all its cracked up to be....i would trade a marriage for commitment anyday.
hmm, you know, that bettie picture would make an awesome tattoo...

I was thinking the same thing...
I would very much like to become a Suicide Girl. I think Harlow Suicide has a nice ring to it.

SG Mission Checklist:

* dyed hair
* more tattoos
* photoshoot

I think I might have a gambling theme...

Ah well, in the meantime, I am going for a surf (in the sea!). Got kickboxing class tonight too.

I shall leave you all with this:...
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theyll make awesome tattoos,get yaself down to the london tattoo convention next weekend,all the best artists from around the world...nowhere better to find someone to do the work for you lady!!!
thats a shame,there's always the train!...like the ankle one but i reckon if you get the angels done,esp if you keep them in a pencil 'style' they'll blow the other ones away.....gotta admit tho it is pretty addictive!lol
i think it will look awesome, can't wait to see wink
Ah to have an hair style again, i jsut have anumber of caps and beanies now lol