Hello lovlies! How are you? Im alright Nothing exciting to report. Still no new jobs. I have applied for TONS! So hopefully I hear something soon. ugh! I hate being broke! So I was listening to m usic on Pandora the other day. I made a Bush station. I was obsessed with them when I was in miidle/highschool. And all of these great songs came on that felt like the soundtrack to my youth. lol. So now I am downloading a bunch of old stuff. Bush, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpinks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Oasis, Orgy(which is suprisingly hard to download considering all the porn vids that come up under that search). I feel the nastalgia...and you know...I still love these songs! Maybe Im a dork...but thats nothing I didnt already know.
So anyways...hope you all have a spectacular holiday weekend! And Be careful...watch for all the drunks on the road! And if you are one of the drunks thats driving...shame on you! Bye loves! 


Good luck! I need to think about quitting my job. Also the music nostalgia doesn't make you a dork. I do the same thing 

Good luck with finding a job!