Whats up my peeps? So I was supposed to be getting my tattoo this week, but Im having to put that off for a while due to money. I broke a tooth a few weeks ago and had to go to the dentist and now I have to get a root canal on the 30th. I am soooooo not looking forward to that. That is the one thing I am a really a whimp about is the dentist. But after having braces for 3 yrs of my life it has weakend my teeth. So looks like lots more visits are in my future. UGH!!! So now Im bummed because, not only do I have to get a root canal, but now I cant get my tattoo. And I really wanted to get it this month since it was the aniversery of Eves death. But I guess it will just have to wait. Hope you are all having a wonderful day! Love u! 

that sucks sorry to hear that.
Thankyou for the comment pretty
You are sweet!