So my Valentines Day was a bust once again! Spent a portion of it at Chucky Cheese. Yuck. lol I did get to go to cotsco tho. Yay me! I was witout a phone for an entire 24 hours because mine died. My god it was horrible! Got a new one tho. Text me! lol So thats about it. I am still hoping to one day have a special vday. Or maybe I will just condem the holiday altogether. Who knows. But anyways, hope you all had Valentines Days full of romance and passion. And sex! Definitely sex!! Bye bye for now!

Sorry to hear V-Day was a bust for ya
I spent my day relaxing in bed and reading since I had no reason to celebrate 

id condem the holiday, thats what i did and spent 3 glorious days at camp by myself