I've been really intermitent as far as blog posts go, my apologies. I've had a really rough last couple weeks (not something I want to go into here, it's too personal) but I've been trying to fill my days with more pleasant activities to counteract the ruminating depression that comes with shitty things. I had my first piano lesson since age six yesterday. I've been playing piano since I was ten but taught myself entirely since then. Mostly what I need to work on is my physical technique, how I use my hands and wrists and arms for playing rather than just my hands and fingers (which is what I had been doing). But I guess my other skills in playing are doing well
I was glad to hear that from a professional (this guy is good, I've heard him play. His jazz piano is incredible).
I also have a job interview on Saturday! I know I last posted I didn't want a job (and I'm still not enthused about it) but this is an interview at an independant book store and, as a writer, it would be a dream to work at a book store. The discount on books wouldn't be half bad either
Other than that: swimming, walking, yoga (soon, hopefully), getting beers with my friends, and going to the hookah bar often. The owner knows my name and gives me free sheisha sometimes
It doesn't hurt to be a girl with a friendly demeanor.

I also have a job interview on Saturday! I know I last posted I didn't want a job (and I'm still not enthused about it) but this is an interview at an independant book store and, as a writer, it would be a dream to work at a book store. The discount on books wouldn't be half bad either

Other than that: swimming, walking, yoga (soon, hopefully), getting beers with my friends, and going to the hookah bar often. The owner knows my name and gives me free sheisha sometimes

And a job interview??? Damn, you're a few steps firther along than me... but it's the 23rd now... hmm... heard back from them yet???
Unfortunatly extracurricular fun stuff, i'll have to push to the side a little bit while i sort my shit out and try and get the hell out of this country. Aiming for the states actually... fingers crossed...