I'm twenty-one! Finally. My first beer was a Quinn's golden ale, a microbrew at a bar/restaurant quite close to where I live. It felt appropriate to have my first legal drink (in America) be the beer that shares my name, and it was quite tasty. I had 14 people join me for my first beer and my best friend in the whole wide world, who I've known for 13 years and have lived with twice, made the nicest toast I could've asked for. I almost started crying, to be honest. I'm looking forward to a lot of fun bar-hopping tonight with a bunch of my friends 

Now that is a way to go. Hope it was a night worse savouring, and a hangover worth dismissing.

I know....I cry at Six Feet Under all the time. I am obsessed with the show even though it is over. I have the entire series on DVD. Anyways I am moving to Longmont so I will be a bit closer to Boulder. That way I won't have to drive as far to get to classes next semester.