Is everybody ready for some shameless self-promotion? Yes? Good!
As often happens late at night, I got bored and decided to exercise my shutter finger a bit. My digital camera can't stand being left alone for too long. Anyway, I ended up taking tons of pictures, but with some sort of vague purpose: they were meant to test the waters as far as practicing for a photo shoot goes. So, if anyone is feeling bored or generous or vindictive, feel free to look at my new photo album and offer me up some of that sweet constructive criticism. For example "all your facial expressions look the same", "do something different with your body; think Gumbi", "you're on the right track", "maybe you should get out in the sun more often", "well that one's cute, but that one looks a little forced", or "don't quit your day job". Those are just a few of many things you could say, or couldn't, if you don't feel like saying anything at all. They're in the "Practice Makes Practice" album. yourselves, or not. But they're there for the looking.
A few samples from the the photo album:

As often happens late at night, I got bored and decided to exercise my shutter finger a bit. My digital camera can't stand being left alone for too long. Anyway, I ended up taking tons of pictures, but with some sort of vague purpose: they were meant to test the waters as far as practicing for a photo shoot goes. So, if anyone is feeling bored or generous or vindictive, feel free to look at my new photo album and offer me up some of that sweet constructive criticism. For example "all your facial expressions look the same", "do something different with your body; think Gumbi", "you're on the right track", "maybe you should get out in the sun more often", "well that one's cute, but that one looks a little forced", or "don't quit your day job". Those are just a few of many things you could say, or couldn't, if you don't feel like saying anything at all. They're in the "Practice Makes Practice" album. yourselves, or not. But they're there for the looking.
A few samples from the the photo album:

It looks great, I will comment more when I'm not so tired.

Wow, that last picture should be your new profile pic. It's BEAUTIFUL.