Alright kiddos. I'm sorry to say this, but I think I'm going to remove my account from this website. I need to eliminate every bill I can, even if it's as cheap as this site. I also just haven't really been able to check this site much; I've been avoiding my computer a lot actually, doing a lot more reading and writing and going out...
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I am so flakey with this journal, I apologize.
I found a job. Well, actually, my friend found me a job after learning I can type 90 words per minute quite accurately. So I am now doing transcription and data entry. Not thrilling, I know, and I need to avoid carpel tunnel syndrome but it pays alright and it's very good to have experience in...
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I found a job. Well, actually, my friend found me a job after learning I can type 90 words per minute quite accurately. So I am now doing transcription and data entry. Not thrilling, I know, and I need to avoid carpel tunnel syndrome but it pays alright and it's very good to have experience in...
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How do you feel about Modest Mouse?
I am feeling a little better today, thanks
Pretty much I just need some food.

I've been really intermitent as far as blog posts go, my apologies. I've had a really rough last couple weeks (not something I want to go into here, it's too personal) but I've been trying to fill my days with more pleasant activities to counteract the ruminating depression that comes with shitty things. I had my first piano lesson since age six yesterday. I've been...
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Great to hear you started piano lessons again.
It's weird starting something like that again isn't it? Fun though. Things that bring more balance to your week can only be a good thing. -that's certainly how i'm seeing things at the moment...
And a job interview??? Damn, you're a few steps firther along than me... but it's the 23rd now... hmm... heard back from them yet???
Unfortunatly extracurricular fun stuff, i'll have to push to the side a little bit while i sort my shit out and try and get the hell out of this country. Aiming for the states actually... fingers crossed...

And a job interview??? Damn, you're a few steps firther along than me... but it's the 23rd now... hmm... heard back from them yet???
Unfortunatly extracurricular fun stuff, i'll have to push to the side a little bit while i sort my shit out and try and get the hell out of this country. Aiming for the states actually... fingers crossed...

How have you been lately, I havent heard from you in a while. I hope you feel better because its been a roller coaster for me too.
I have major writer's block. It kills.
Thanks for you kind blog comments. It definitely been rough, but I think I will be fine. I hate writers block it is the worst. I hope something inspiring comes your way soon so you will have something to write.
Sex toys huh? Yeah, I can see that.

Thanks everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes
I had a great time going to the bars with a nice crowd of my friends, and then last night I saw Animal Collective in concert, which certainly was an experience. I got some marvelous gifts as well: an espresso machine, the first two seasons of The Office, piano lessons (I'm self-taught, haven't had lessons since I'm six,...
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I'm glad you had a great birthday!
I think that tattoo will be really beautiful.

I think that tattoo will be really beautiful.

Well it's not a problem...
Yes, I am a true hybrid of races...
Oh, and it's ok, I like you stacks too!
Talk soon.
Yes, I am a true hybrid of races...
Oh, and it's ok, I like you stacks too!
Talk soon.
I'm twenty-one! Finally. My first beer was a Quinn's golden ale, a microbrew at a bar/restaurant quite close to where I live. It felt appropriate to have my first legal drink (in America) be the beer that shares my name, and it was quite tasty. I had 14 people join me for my first beer and my best friend in the whole wide world, who...
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Now that is a way to go. Hope it was a night worse savouring, and a hangover worth dismissing.

I know....I cry at Six Feet Under all the time. I am obsessed with the show even though it is over. I have the entire series on DVD. Anyways I am moving to Longmont so I will be a bit closer to Boulder. That way I won't have to drive as far to get to classes next semester.
Sorry everyone for my recent inactivity, my "radio silence" if you will. I've been in the hospital since Wednesday; just got out today. Never fear, I am okay! Just wanted to let you all know that I wasn't ignoring you, I was just throwing up a lot, and other things.
woohoo....I sent them priority mail. haha
Glad to hear they made it there.

Happy Birthday, darling!!
He's not too rich at the moment, but he's recording another album this summer, so hopefully he'll earn lots of money on it.

He's not too rich at the moment, but he's recording another album this summer, so hopefully he'll earn lots of money on it.

Okay, prepare to hear me sound haughty and mean:
If you want to friend me, please don't do so arbitrarily. Don't just look at my profile or my pictures and decide I might look pretty in your group of friends. Don't add me just because you're new. If you actually think I'm interesting then strike up some conversation, then we can be friends. Maybe it...
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If you want to friend me, please don't do so arbitrarily. Don't just look at my profile or my pictures and decide I might look pretty in your group of friends. Don't add me just because you're new. If you actually think I'm interesting then strike up some conversation, then we can be friends. Maybe it...
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Good point. I seem to suffer the same problem...and I don't even really have any particularly provocative photos of myself posted.
Guess some folks are just "collectors."
Guess some folks are just "collectors."

Ha!!!!...I found you through another person's blog and you DO seem interesting.....but now i cannot ask to be friends
No, not because of the photos or anything superficial, so I shall bookmark you and look forward to your future musings and rearrangment of language. If you visit will see. the way, i very much like this photo from your profile: the way, i very much like this photo from your profile:

So awhile ago my friend hid condoms all over our house. My roommate had bought a box of condoms in bulk, and he took some of them and taped them to very obscure places (for instance, the underneath of my cat's food bowl, to the cranberry juice in the fridge). I finally changed my Klimt calendar to May today (I'm slow, I know) and, to...
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Thast funny.

Hehe, sounds inventive of him. I wonder, though if he was at all saddened that he had no better use for those condoms
oh! By the way, I love your new picture 

It is 5 in the morning and I am dyeing my hair. Perhaps I should admit to myself that I still am an insomniac, as much as I'd like to think I got over that a few months ago.
haha insominac power haha I'm one myself!

Perhaps I was thinking about you subconciously when I picked that poem. I know you have small hands. 

Is everybody ready for some shameless self-promotion? Yes? Good!
As often happens late at night, I got bored and decided to exercise my shutter finger a bit. My digital camera can't stand being left alone for too long. Anyway, I ended up taking tons of pictures, but with some sort of vague purpose: they were meant to test the waters as far as practicing for...
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As often happens late at night, I got bored and decided to exercise my shutter finger a bit. My digital camera can't stand being left alone for too long. Anyway, I ended up taking tons of pictures, but with some sort of vague purpose: they were meant to test the waters as far as practicing for...
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It looks great, I will comment more when I'm not so tired.

Wow, that last picture should be your new profile pic. It's BEAUTIFUL. 

My friend and I were discussing this a few days ago and for some reason it popped into my head again today.
Most women (men too, to a lesser extent) go through at least one pregnancy scare in their life. We are inundated with messages of practicing abstinence or using protection; the latter is reasonable, safe, good advice. However, accidents happen. Your inhibitions are lowered,...
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Most women (men too, to a lesser extent) go through at least one pregnancy scare in their life. We are inundated with messages of practicing abstinence or using protection; the latter is reasonable, safe, good advice. However, accidents happen. Your inhibitions are lowered,...
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My wife is unable to have kids, and its very hard on her so I understand what you're talking about.
We have talked about adoption.
Been thinking about you lately. Glad you're back.