Well I need a photographer bad!! I need to do another set, like no other! I just bleached my hair, I'm dying it purple smile I hope it looks awesome. I love dying my hair, it's always fun and different. Today I went into Lawrence with my sister and her husband, to donate some plasma....and on our way back through Mass St, my brother in law...
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Well today my first set is up in MR!! This is so awesome! For my first set, it doesn't look too horribly bad, but it needs some work! But I'm still excited...Oh and if anyone knows any great awesome photographers in the KS/MO area, hit this little lady up. And thank you so far for the comments guys, everybody always needs a helping hand!! smile But,...
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I saw you on Obsidian77s page and yaaa you ARE a cutie!!!
I cant wait to see more from you sweetie!! Good luck!
I love your debut set andI agree with some of the thoughts so far. Although I can not believe anyone can be enough of a jerk to leave mean comments...

You're really cute and have amazing eye's..

From my own experience, the key to any good photo set is great lighting, composition, and a good variety of poses.

I try to never have more than 2 shots with similar poses, (not to say that you don't take a ton, you need to in order to get the perfect shot) but selecting the shots to go in the set is almost as important as what you do while you're taking the shots.

Women are a work of art and it's important to work with all the natural gifts you have, there's a whole lot sexy about a woman and as the saying goes, ya gotta work it smile smile smile smile
Oh my goodness, my car can't be driven right now....this is so not good frown. it's very depressing. damnit!!! damnit!!! damnit!!! I should drop my art class cause it's on campus, since I can't have no way there :\. But then I would have to find another online class to take up those credits so I don't lose more than half my financial aid money....
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Thx darling ...

For all of you people who are down to listening to Wolfpac, KMK, ICP, Twiztid, all of that Psychopathic, Surburban Noize, SugarDaddy and Strange Music shyt, WFUCKOFFRADIO http://www.wfuckoffradio.com/wfko.php/welcome
Go there to get down, every tuesday and thursday y'all.
Wolfpac right now....that's right.
<3 that shit.
Well.....FUCK. Let's just say this past Saturday was the fucking shit! Saw the Strange Noize tour, w/ The Dirtball, Prozac, X-Clan, Hed fuckin p.e., Kottonmouth Kings, and yes...Tech N9ne. Indeed by far the most amazing concert I have been to....ever. Seriously. Even though some silly girl threw my bra on stage......man....my favorite bra too frown that shit didn't need to happen....oh well...it did. Oh and I...
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<3 hehe you too
Hello hello hello. I am back..not with the same name...but I have returned! smile I'm so happy to be back! Yay!