ave just been to see The Draft, as a birthday gift to the boy. I felt sorry for hime bacause his band were asjed to support, but their singer is awaiting an operation on his neck so they couldn't do it. Was a good night. Am suprisingly drunk, only had a few glasses of wine and beer and Goldschlager. Not enough to render me useless in typing. Which aperas to be the case.
Emma_treasure was there, beautiful as ever. Believe I also met the gorgeous duo of Munch and Peter_Minger and rambled absolute rubbish to them. Lovely boys though.
Good night.
Apparently I also punched the lead singer of Bouncing Souls, because he shoulder barged me and really hurt my cheekbone. Although Em and I strongly believe this was just a young boy trying to look like the Bouncing Souls boy and our boys are confused. I don't think it was the Bouncng Souls Boy.
My boys birthday is now, but he is not feeling weel and is in bed. I want pixza.
So. Happy Valentines.
Emma_treasure was there, beautiful as ever. Believe I also met the gorgeous duo of Munch and Peter_Minger and rambled absolute rubbish to them. Lovely boys though.
Good night.
Apparently I also punched the lead singer of Bouncing Souls, because he shoulder barged me and really hurt my cheekbone. Although Em and I strongly believe this was just a young boy trying to look like the Bouncing Souls boy and our boys are confused. I don't think it was the Bouncng Souls Boy.
My boys birthday is now, but he is not feeling weel and is in bed. I want pixza.
So. Happy Valentines.

glad you enjoyed the gig! 

I ♥ drunken entrys