I'm sulking and feeling sorry for myself at the moment and so decided much viewage of boobies and consumption of chocolate cake was required. So far, it's working a little. The J.D may have to appear.
Reason for the sulking? It's Friday night, I've actually got tonight off (very rare), everyone else is out having a good time and I'm stuck at home with quite a harsh chest infection
, pooarsefuckbugger.
I had a meeting yesterday with a beautiful lady who would like me to buy into a franchise of her shops. They sell lingerie, sex toys, adult reading material and the lady herself is a recognised 'relationship and sex expert' who gives out classes on various things (lapdance, anyone?).
The three shops she has are doing extremely well, projected sales are high and there is a larger plc who are interested in taking the name to a national level. The deal for the business is much better than I could do alone (these shops are very similar to the one I had planned to open myself).
I have a meeting with a financial advisor and solicitor to discuss certain issues, but I feel like this is the best way to go for me at the moment.
I may well have my own store in York by October
Short update, but my chocolate cake is done and the whiskey is calling
Reason for the sulking? It's Friday night, I've actually got tonight off (very rare), everyone else is out having a good time and I'm stuck at home with quite a harsh chest infection

I had a meeting yesterday with a beautiful lady who would like me to buy into a franchise of her shops. They sell lingerie, sex toys, adult reading material and the lady herself is a recognised 'relationship and sex expert' who gives out classes on various things (lapdance, anyone?).
The three shops she has are doing extremely well, projected sales are high and there is a larger plc who are interested in taking the name to a national level. The deal for the business is much better than I could do alone (these shops are very similar to the one I had planned to open myself).
I have a meeting with a financial advisor and solicitor to discuss certain issues, but I feel like this is the best way to go for me at the moment.
I may well have my own store in York by October

Short update, but my chocolate cake is done and the whiskey is calling

10 weeks til the JD ladies are once more back together and rampaging through the streets causing havoc and depleting every bar of their jack daniels

Good answer!