I am convinced...absolutely convinced...that it's no coincidence that all of a sudden, there are two available positions on Long Island. Over the past two years, I've seen NOTHING available on the island for my husband's line of work, and all of a sudden, TWO open up. Hello, fate!

I don't want to get too excited, but I'm quite pleased. :-)
... said the joker to the thief...

I'm thrilled for you! I hope that he gets his pick of the litter!
I am convinced that it HAS to happen that way: first there's nothing and then there's a buffet.
Hubby is good. smile At work right now, on a 24. How are you guys doing?
This stupid church is falling apart...all because the pastor and his wife are epic failures. Yuck...and for the holiday season too... wtf. :-(
I played pinochle tonight. I feel old and I'm not sure how I feel about it. :-/ I'm young enough that I should be out doing stupid kid stuff, but I'm married, on our own, and a homeowner, so we're in a whole different classification. We're definitely at a strange, in-between stage.

On the bright side, I proved that I can cook a decent meal...
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what did ya cook? confused
Chicken thingies (yeah I know, real technical term... it's chicken, cream cheese, onions, and butter mixed into a dough of sorts and cooked inside a crescent roll), garlic mashed potatoes, corn, and tomatoes in balsamic vinegar. :-)
November's really not been the greatest month for me so far. I think I'm bummed since it's getting super close to the holidays and our families are on the opposite coast. My parents are coming out here for Christmas so my dad can see our new house, but it's not the same. I mean, I come from a big Italian family -- family is REALLY...
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Sunday is the busiest day of the week for me. Why is it that I work when everyone else is relaxing? Funny, isn't it? Anyway, it's not too bad... I'm being particularly snobby and mocking the grammar and syntax of the papers I'm grading. It's one thing to be informal and use awkward ellipses in blogs and chats with your friends (like I often do),...
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Yay, I'm home! I think this is the first time I've ever been excited to come back to this place. I think it's just because I missed my house. Anyway, we had an amazing vacation! I'm sure I'll post some pictures soon.

I'm stuck unpacking and cleaning for a bit... but I'm still happy.

Still on vacation...have been for two weeks...I don't want to go back to the real world.

These coastal California towns are gorgeous, but there's not much to do after like...6pm.

Really enjoying life right now though, so that's a plus...

Miss you guys on here!

miss you! im not sure whether i want to go to UNCC or UNCG. I guess it depends on if i want to head to Charlotte or stay in Greensboro.
Two of my friends went to UNCG...they loved it...so I think either way you win! :-) What are you majoring in?
The Yankees are not beating the Phillies... fuck.

I'm a hardcore Mets fan... and as such, I cannot possibly root for the Phillies.

Now that I am back on Long Island, I don't want to return to California. I miss my husband...and I know that probably sounds horrible, but out there is just not home. I'm not intellectually stimulated, I don't trust anyone, and they all have a small-town, gossipy mentality that I just don't appreciate.

In New York, though, I actually feel creative; I have motivation to...
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Yayyyy...going back home to Long Island on Saturday! This comes as a much-needed break to this town. :-)

I definitely apologize for being MIA lately... though on the plus side, my voice is back! I'm still sick as hell, but at least I have a voice.


Send me some love?

yaya shes back!
missed you lately!
I have no voice for the second day in a row. I sound like a squeak toy; this is pathetic.

Relaxing at home, playing some CoD on my PS3.
