Just got home from twelve hours of stocktake waaah. I'm so overtired that I don't even feel sleepy anymore and I have to be back at work in nine hours :/
Going through the site and I just want to say WOW their are so many incredible ladies on here who truly inspire me with their REAL beauty. I cannot wait to start meeting some of you all and share my journey as a hopeful SG. I'm ready for all the rad adventures to come !!
always hate stocktake, but at least at my old job is was fairly easy since it was furniture. but i remember what it was like working at K-mart doing it, that was insane………. there are some amazing ladies on this site. and more come through all the time. looking forward to seeing your debut set and reading more about you.
@pentaclefilms Isn't it just a joy working at a big retailer during stocktake/christmas casual period?! Haha. There really are! Thank you, I look forward to sharing :)