Update: Due to technical difficulties we have decided to stop doing P90x, the difficulties being that we work out in a garage and its cold enough outside that it kept kicking the laptop to sleep mode. Our weather isn't supposed to warm up for the rest of the week so we called it done. My heavier friend will be going to the gym at his apartment complex while I will be going to the one the one my wife goes to. The third guy didn't say what he would be doing but he was just wanting to get fit and toned anyways didn't need to loose.
Well to be honest I have been going through the motions while doing p9ox with a couple coworkers and its not really working out for me. Part of it is that only one of us is fairly motivated anymore, while I'm just hanging in until we are done so I can start going to the gym and actually trying to better myself, and the other guy shows up 4 or less of the scheduled 6 days of the work out. I am in the middle of the needs to lose weight spectrum of the group, while the heaviest out of us is still motivated but has not been seeing much in the way of results lately (he blames it on having a girlfriend now and eating out more with her than he had been) and with the little guy not showing up my motivation drops more and more each day. I am counting down the weeks, this morning will be day one of the last 3 weeks to go, to completion just so I can start going to the gym with my wife. I would quit now but we are doing the exercise at my place, since I am the only one with a space big enough for the three of us, and I don't want to leave my friend high and dry considering he has lost nearly 20 pounds in the time that we have started doing exercises together (before P90x we tried GSP Rushfit). I have lost only 10 pounds this entire time and due to my lack of motivation to continue working hard with these guys the last 3 weeks my weight doesn't move any more aside from the normal few pounds up and down.
Once I can start hitting the gym regularly I will try to be there pushing hard for 1-2 hours a day, I know motivation will get harder when I stop having to rely on someone else to show up to get me going, but it will be easier than dealing with someone who clearly doesn't give a shit any more and then blames us for not trying hard because we physically can't compete with him at the moment.
Thanks for reading my rant any comments will be welcomed, hell might even motivate me more.