Well its been a rocky start getting motivated for the gym but I finally found an app that I like called GF Bau5 on the iOS app store. I have completed 6 workouts with it in the last 3 weeks but will be doing better to get all the exercises done each week. It gives you 3 workouts a week with a day of rest...
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Well I am excited for some up coming games Titanfall, Infamous, and Elder Scrolls are all coming out pretty soon and can't wait to play them all. Tempted to try out Thief on the PS4 just a little hesitant since I have heard there are some pretty big frame rate issues.
As far as the gym is going I have been going regularly on average...
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Well I am two weeks into trying the gym again and so far have only been twice, my wife and I both whimped out with the "polar vortex" that hit the U.S. during the last two weeks. I am still remaining positive about going with a new week of gym starting tomorrow morning, we will do our best to go the whole 5 day stretch...
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Thanks to randomly watching youtube, I stumbled upon a channel I used to watch all the time, an episode of Cult of Dusty reminded me of my reasons for wanting to lose weight. When the my wife and I decided to have a child I want to be there for the kid as a role model for as long as I can, and being a...
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Update: Due to technical difficulties we have decided to stop doing P90x, the difficulties being that we work out in a garage and its cold enough outside that it kept kicking the laptop to sleep mode. Our weather isn't supposed to warm up for the rest of the week so we called it done. My heavier friend will be going to the gym at his...
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Beyond that my wife and I started George St. Pierre's Rush Fit exercise program, so far feels good I have muscles that ache from...
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I just recently got back into playing both Swtor and Wow, my console gamine is currently on pause. Next game that I am super excited for is the new GTA, I just hope its better than GTA 4 was.
Work is great right now, it is now day 2 of vacation, plan on...
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