kinda funny...was thinking about when i joined this site all those years was the one year anniversary of sg...plunked down a few bucks...was at a crossroads in my life and needed something to do...after a few weeks of posting and shit, went to my first get-together...was fun...started going all the time...drinking all the time...started going to portland a lot...met sheitloads of really cool life started to many people to keep in touch with it was overwhelming, but hella fun...went to countless laid every once and a while...did this for a few years straight...then work changed and i wasn't able to stay out late anymore...started to chill a bit...dated a few great girls...managed to fuck that up because i was/am a tard and still need to learn to be less selfish...this continued for a while...started dating the girl that i'm still with today almost four years later...still work too much and too early...rarely go to shows anymore unless it's a band i fucking love...and i guess i'm no longer "cool" (don't know that i ever was, just had great friends), i'm older, 31, almost grown up...sounds so old, yet i feel 21 at best...still on sg despite being zotted a few years ago, back when the site was, in my last few months of sg, i felt like reflecting a almost feels like that was another person when i look at those old party pics these was fun...i don't miss those time exactly, but i remember them fondly as i head into my early 30's...this might not make a lot of sense to 18-24 year old who maybe reading this, but one day it i'm that guy who says shit like "when i was your age"...makes me laugh...that's it...sorry if misspelled anything, but i'm not gonna go back and correct is an old pic from those good old days..
...and now...
...that's it.

uh, Hi. long time no see. how generic is that? but it fits.