Bin sehr spt dran aber: Chuck Norris auf polnisch? Das soll Chuck Norris sein oder?
Und ich wrd so gern mal nach Auschwitz. Mein Opa hat kurz vor seinem Tod ein Buch drber gelesen. Das einzige Lager in meiner Nhe zu hause ist Mauthausen und das bauen sie grade total um. Es soll angeblich mehr ein Museum werden und mehr auf die berlebensgeschichten ausgerichtet. Man sieht dann zB die Gaskammern nicht mehr. Ich finde das sehr schade.
In this week I went to four concerts. Last weekend I saw the Grailknights twice. They were supported by Michael Cranium on the first evening and by Kadavrik on the second Show. Unfortunately there was no new Grailknights longplayer out in Time for the double battle. They gave away a CD with one new song and two previously unrecorded songs as consolation, though.
At the... Read More
I had my last Exam (ever?) last wednesday. On thursday I went to see my parents for the weekend. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend. On Friday, Friday I saw Season of the Witch with a friend who is about to leave for Afghanistan.
On Monday I will start my master thesis. 6 Months to go until unemployment
Jelly donuts. Wir denken bei "Donut" immer nur an die Kringel, aber generell knnen die Dinge verschiedene Formen haben. So wie zum Beispiel Berliner, die ja in Berlin "Pfannkuchen" heien. Verwirrend. Und jetzt habe ich Hunger auf Donuts!
This terms lectures ate over! Actually there are no lectures left at all,because I will write my master thesis. Until I start working on my thesis in April I (hopefully) have the last exams of my life.
I haven't really decided on what topic my master thesis will be. I was offered a thesis on developing a software for the calculation of gravity models from... Read More
My mother has been released from hospital a couple of days ago. As usual her condition is worse than before. Two months ago she was able to walk the dog. Now she sometimes isnt even able to walk by herself. Fortunately (?) my father is unemployed since january 1th, so he can help her around the house*.
Phh, Smoke on the Water! Es muss richtig krachen und wilde Kerle in schwarzen Klamotten mit langen Haaren mssen um uns herum stehen. Mal sehen, ob man uns Prgel androht! Oder uns einfach nur auslacht.
I returned from my Holiday at home with my parents. Unfortunately I will miss my brothers visit because I ran out of work and had to return to Hannover. I have a lot of work to finish until the lectures start again next monday. So this is what I will do for the rest of this year: work. I will take one night off for... Read More
Ich liebe das Zauberpony. Und ich muss auch zugeben, dass ich den Spruch ("Oh, was du gesagt hast, war so langweilig, dass ich in meinem Kopf mit dem Zauberpony ber den Regenbogen geritten bin." oder so) durchaus schon als Abwehr gegen aufdringliche Mnner benutzt habe.
My mother has been released from Hospital yesterday with a new and improved shoulder. She was returned to hospital this morning after falling this night and probably breaking some ribs.
My mother turns more and more into a terminator. On monday she got a new shoulder after seeking several months for a hospital that was willing to do the surgery because of her lung condition. The surgery went well but because of said condition she is still on intensive care.
Und ich wrd so gern mal nach Auschwitz. Mein Opa hat kurz vor seinem Tod ein Buch drber gelesen. Das einzige Lager in meiner Nhe zu hause ist Mauthausen und das bauen sie grade total um. Es soll angeblich mehr ein Museum werden und mehr auf die berlebensgeschichten ausgerichtet. Man sieht dann zB die Gaskammern nicht mehr. Ich finde das sehr schade.