Oookay so like I was at work and we were hello busy and me and Dianna were like "Why aren't these people with their family and whatnot?" Tonight was just like a bust Sunday morning, I found it odd. I couldn't wait to go home to eat dinner with my family. So I come home dinner is ready and the table is set for three people. My moms, step-dad, and my sister. Do you see anything missing? It kind of made me up-set so I set my up my own at the bar we have because where the 4th person was at the table there was a bunch of newspapers and shit. So I get my food and sit at the bar. And my moms like why aren't you at the table, and I said well you didn't set my plate there and no one cleaned up the mess on that side. She gave me a dirty look and said what so I have to do everything round here. I was like well I felt left out. And she said well thats not my problem. And I was like no I was just born and brough up left out of everything and I grabe my plate and now I am eating thanksgiving in my room...again...just like lastyear. Yeah lovly family I have eh?

go see my grandma... she will take care of you. And tell her i said hi