Okay okay okay!!! [[crosses fingers!]]
So me Kristin & Janae went out tonight along with Peggy to find us a house! Peggy is just Kristins boss who deos houses. They went and saw one on the way when they picked me up and they kind of liked the first house. So we went across my street and I saw my frist house! but it was their second! WE ALL WANT IT! IT IS A MUST HAVE HOUSE FOR US! Then we went deep into Gilbert and saw another house there but we didn't find it to be that great! So now we just have to get it cleard and what not! SOOO keep your fingers crossed for US! Oh my gosh I am so excited!!! it's so pretty! And it's just right for us! Me and Kristin will only pay 350 and Janae would pay 400 cause shes got the master room with her son and all. Its so perfect to have our patries at and such! I WANT IT SOOO BAD! Ha ha and it's like one minute from home. Maybe like seven minutes if you walked lol. Ima tell my mom the wrong house number lol! Well I just wanted to share my happy excited news! Okay now back to my hockey game! PEACE!
So me Kristin & Janae went out tonight along with Peggy to find us a house! Peggy is just Kristins boss who deos houses. They went and saw one on the way when they picked me up and they kind of liked the first house. So we went across my street and I saw my frist house! but it was their second! WE ALL WANT IT! IT IS A MUST HAVE HOUSE FOR US! Then we went deep into Gilbert and saw another house there but we didn't find it to be that great! So now we just have to get it cleard and what not! SOOO keep your fingers crossed for US! Oh my gosh I am so excited!!! it's so pretty! And it's just right for us! Me and Kristin will only pay 350 and Janae would pay 400 cause shes got the master room with her son and all. Its so perfect to have our patries at and such! I WANT IT SOOO BAD! Ha ha and it's like one minute from home. Maybe like seven minutes if you walked lol. Ima tell my mom the wrong house number lol! Well I just wanted to share my happy excited news! Okay now back to my hockey game! PEACE!

Good luck with the house!