Okay so I just pretty much don't make a good girlfriend. I can't keep a boyfriend for more than a week and if I even get that far it's only for a month and if it's longer than a month than it's only 6 months to two years. And after 6 months I pretty much get my heart broken. And I can't fucking deal with anymore broken hearts because all I do is give and give and try to be there and I just get fucked and turned down and dumped. Oh "I don't want to hurt you" but I don't want a girlfriend right now. WTF??? Shit fuck I swear I am so fucking done. I really really really fucking like this one guy but he lives kindda far. And I don't know when I'll see him again. But other than that I am pretty much done. Yeah I've gone out with over 30 people, only loved two of them.I just don't get how you can like someone spend like fucking 24/7 with them and then like BAMB break up with them because they decide they don't want a girlfriend. Oh tosha you're so sweet and fucking awesome and so cool to hang out with and pretty but hey I'll only date you to fuck you and wear down your self esteem down some more to make you sink as low as you can go.
I am so fucking sick and tired of being the sweet nice awesome person I am. Maybe if I turn into a selfless rotten bitch I'd have better luck with guys. what the fuck ever. I'm gonna go be emo EXCUSE ME.

If you want i can go break some kneecaps for ya