Man I am in a pissy fucking mood.
Long ass day, horrid horrid exam on teeth, spent a couple of hours writing my paper "Anasazi: the other other white meat" and then came home and had to go help out my aunt for a bit.
Now I'm home and I'm pissy and hungry and tired. I was hoping to work some on the desk, the cabinets, the mirror frame I got at knox rail salvage, or do some other artsy craftsy stuff but now I've lost any motivation.
Gotta work tomorrow too...but hopefully I have the whole weekend off to get myself in trouble.
Long ass day, horrid horrid exam on teeth, spent a couple of hours writing my paper "Anasazi: the other other white meat" and then came home and had to go help out my aunt for a bit.
Now I'm home and I'm pissy and hungry and tired. I was hoping to work some on the desk, the cabinets, the mirror frame I got at knox rail salvage, or do some other artsy craftsy stuff but now I've lost any motivation.
Gotta work tomorrow too...but hopefully I have the whole weekend off to get myself in trouble.
A weekend of artsy craftsy that sounds scandelous