With my one and only baby niece, at my bro and SIL's apt...
Me: (normal voice) Sarah Mae! Hi pretty girl! Uncie Doug loves you so much!
Sarah: (squeeeeee)
SIL: Hey if you speak to her higher pitched, that makes her happier. Your lower voice isn't so great.
Me: Oh okay. So wait... if higher that's good, but lower, that's bad?
Mom: Well yea, I gue...
Me: (high) Sarah! Laissez Faire Capitalism!
Me: (low) Corporatist oligarchy...
Me: (high) Milton Friedman!
Me: (low) John Maynard Keynes...
Me: (high) Gold standard!
Me: (low) FIAT currency...
Sarah: (giggly baby gibberish)
SIL: Doug give me back my baby