Stick with the classics, don't use synonyms.

YES: Girl, that booty just don't quit!
NO: Bitch your ass won't stop.


Good part about driving hard-of-hearing granddad to his doctor's appointment, he can barely hear the radio hardly at all

Me: Can you hear that?
Him: Huh? Nope!
Me: Alright then, Cannibal Corpse it is
Him: Wha?
Me: Nothing...

JUST KIDDING, I didn't play Cannibal Corpse. I was in a Suicide Silence kinda mood.


I have survived rehab, and I am now a sober person! As of today, I am 45 days sober, and I feel better than ever. All of my mental faculties have returned, my writer’s block has subsided. I am confident, I am well-versed, I am healthy, and I am BORED OUT OF MY GODDAM MIND. Doug Stanhope said it best recently, “If you can’t drink...
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