I hope this all finds you happy, well rested and fed and probably drunk. As far as I'm concerned, the holidays should be about getting drunk and stoned with friends and family.

Pictured: average Canadian holiday party.
Funny story: Instead of stockings, my step dad prepares tube socks filled with goodies for my mom and I. So Xmas morning arrives and I'm going through my tube sock, mostly filled with chocolates and the like. About halfway down I see this rectangle shape of a decent size, so I think, oh, I bet this will be good.
So I reach in and this is what I pull out:
So I screamed in horror at the utter inappropriateness. My step father pulls it away from me and goes, "oi! That wasn't for you! That was for your mother!"
"That doesn't make me feel better!" I replied.
So I hope you all didn't wake up to mental anguish on Xmas Day.
We are approaching the beginning of a new year. I think back on the past twelve months and I see that the theme of this year was growth; in relation to how I think and feel about myself and people, growth as a young adult, and my own sense of confidence and empowerment.
I can attribute a large part of this personal growth with my involvement here on SuicideGirls. I told this story to my classmates. One of our teachers was this super rad lady who was a former AD on many different TV shows, and every class, she would have people go up and share with us their "inspiration". Basically, what they feel makes them who they are and what makes them want to better themselves. I feel incredibly blessed that I landed in a group of people whom I all really like and feel safe around. So I told them about SG. I feel it's worth telling it here.
In other newsy type things that have been going on: I went to screening for a short film I wrote! It was at a nice swanky theater and all.
For the final project of this semester, we were challenged to make a two minute short about a group of people who make a pact. Me being somewhat morbid, wrote about a Jonestown type cult who commits religious suicide. It was incredibly rewarding to see it on a big screen.
I also did double duty as set dec on this one. We also got the highest grade out of our class for the third project!!
I'm back in school on the 9th, and I can't wait! I did super well on all my exams, but I'm gonna force myself to be more of a keener next semester. We are going to have a production design class, which I am really looking forward to.
I got a new tattoo!!
The rib area sucked so hard. But I'm glad I put up with it and took it like a champ.
I went to a Canucks game.
I saw Brian Setzer live!! Man, that was a treat. Super amazing show, I'd recommend it to anybody even if you're not a fan of Rockabilly.
My boyfriend finally is home tomorrow after being in Mexico with his family for about two weeks. Holy hell I missed him like mad. He's cute as hell and takes me to space centers so we can nerd out together.
I hope 2011 was as good to you as it was to me. Happy New Year, SuicideGirls!
xx Harajuku
Follow me on my misadventures on Instagram! @tropocalypse
You are not only a sweetheartcuteandbeautiful woman, you're sense of ha-ha's is too cool
Take care!