Cobra Commander must have it out for us. I feel that is the only logical explanation.
Life has otherwise been going along really great. I got a scholarship! It was a small one, and only enough to pay for a new hard drive, but every little bit helps.
I've registered for all my courses and am applying for student loans. So stoked to finally begin school in the fall!
I also got my first fanart recently!

Thank you to Jules Vallecillo for this

I have a very cool story to tell you people today! Seriously, this has kept me on cloud nine since the day it happened. Every time I think about it still, I get this big shit-eating grin on my face.
I will preface my tale by mentioning that whenever a man pays attention to some random chick on the internet, he thinks she's hot and he wants to touch her vagina. Fact of life. Water is wet and the sky is blue. (Although I will say that here on SG, I like getting to know the people behind the screen names. It doesn't feel like as much as a cyber, "drive-by and wolf whistle at some girl on the street" kind of thing.)
I will also mention that it involves the bass player of a band that I have faithfully adored for years and years. I can visualize myself when I'm in my thirties, when compact discs will have gone the way of the 8-track player, and on this day, I will find all these old albums of my youth, and I will be like, "yeah, these guys were the shit."
So, my story. It was Canada day. I woke up feeling like shit. I just hadn't slept well, and I was doing so much overtime at work because my manager has been taking a lot of time off. I had to work this day, so I had to get up early after not getting a lot of sleep. The only reason I put up with it was because I was getting time and a half.
All day I had a bunch of people bugging me like, "go to this party!" "Oh, come out to UBC for a frat party!" "Come see fireworks with us!" I was like, "I am going to punch a frat boy in the face if I go out, so really, better I not." Just was not in my groove. I needed some time to myself.
So after work, I got a bottle of red wine and some sushi and went home to camwhore and waste time on the internet with Alyeska.

Canadian patriotism always includes getting drunk. It's practically part of our Constitution.
I check my email, and I have this email from email from Twitter, and it says, "TranquilMammoth is now following you on Twitter." I'm like, cool, that's the bass player from AFI." [aka band that I've loved for years. Laugh if you want, IDGAF.] He follows a lot of people, but still, I thought it was kind of cool, so I tweeted that Hunter Burgan of AFI was following me and that it made me happy and I thought that would be the end of that.
On my Twitter page, there's a link to my Tumblr. Hunter also has a Tumblr that is legit.
So maybe an hour or two after tweeting that he was following me, I get this little notification on my Tumblr dash:

Holy shit, it's Hunter again.
I look at my computer screen for a moment, kind of non believing.

So I refresh my page, and when it loads again, it's still there. So then I click on the page anyway to make sure it's not some jack-off pretending to be him.
Okay, it is the real Hunter Burgan. So I'm sitting there for about a minute, not knowing if I want to know what picture he liked, thinking that it was probably just some macro or stupid .gif I had reblogged. Eventually my will breaks, and I'm like, "fuck it. I need to know."
And this pops up.
So now I'm sitting here like,
bathed in the glory of the fact that Hunter Burgan knows who I am and approves of my existence.
The official AFI Twitter is following me as well now.
Oh you boys, you make me blush =^_^=
Since then, my life has largely consisted of this:
[I plan on getting lyrics to this one tattooed on me some day.]
In other news; I plan on getting my hood pierced as soon as I have enough disposable income. I wanna change my hair up a bit. I will be turning twenty in eight days. My best friend is going off to Japan for a year to teach English in Tokyo. I will miss him, but I'm happy that he will be doing something that he's so passionate about.
I am also happy to report that one of my other best friends, who was suffering from a collapsed lung [pneumothorax] which was giving her a lot of grief (one minute, she'd seem to be on the mend, next minute her tube kinked and her lung collapsed again - roller coaster of emotions) has had surgery to correct it, and nearly two weeks after it began, she is so much better and things looks so much brighter. I asked you guys to send her healing energy, and it looks like it paid off! Thank you, people of SuicideGirls!
I also got my second set back - who wants a sneak peek?
Discovery will be hitting member review August 8th! And I must say, it is a vast improvement from To The Beat - I'm not such a derp this time around.
I think I now know what Charlie Sheen was talking about when he said that he was WINNING. I even happen to be in possession of Tigers' Blood and Adonis DNA, as well as the status of high priest Vatican assassin warlock.
Win here, win there, win win everywhere.
xx Harajuku
And oooomggg that new set looks awespme! Can't wait!
Have a wonderful week pretty lady