Hello SG Land,
I'm just sitting here waiting for NeonCityLights to get his ass on Skype so we can gossip and talk about boys and girls and our periods. He even created a damn Facebook event for this thing. C'mon loser, don't be late to your own party
I've been getting stuff ready for school; loans, bursaries, the works. If anything is going to get me motivated to get myself a damn good job once I'm done with school, it will be the mountain of student loans to pay off.
At least I have two more months of sunshine and alcohol and goofing off and poor judgement to fit in before film school finally starts ... thinking lately that I'm really interested in cinematography. The whole aspect of how lighting and angles and depth of field and focus, the filters and the lens plays in how a film will eventually look is very fascinating to me. I notice that shit. I would love to work as a director of photography one day. I think that might be my end goal.
Funny story: on Saturday, I went out for sushi with the Gozer and his wife. Gozer has two full sleeves of tattoos, and I had my shoulder tat on display at this place. There was this little girl who was maybe five or six, who kept looking over at us with this really concerned look on her face. Kind of like this:

Anyway, she did this every couple of minutes the whole time we were there. I thought it was funny, it didn't bother me. Anyway, at one point, this little girl taps her little sister on the shoulder, and says to her, while looking at us,
"Those people kill people."
I LOL'd. I probably said something silly like that when I was a young'un with virgin skin. Gozer decided to play it up by giving her the evil eye. Poor thing looked like she was about to have a heart attack!
It's okay though, the scariest thing Gozer has done was sing in public that one time.
I did a super cool shoot last week. Shot with an old 35mm and Polaroid 200 series. Arts meets vintage meets erotica. Kind of got an S Magazine feel to it. I think it's probably one of my strongest so far. Really stoked to get the final prints back to put in my port and show you all. I saw one that came from the Polaroid that I was really proud of; let's just say .... Kim Kardashian, eat your eat out.
Life has otherwise been going on as it has without much drama. Bars, boys, girls, adventures. I made a BookFace.
I got a fair number of people asking me if I had one, so I did. I also can be somewhat self absorbed. At least I'm not above admitting it. Like me, I guess.
Other things I've been doing and stuff that interests me:
I'm just sitting here waiting for NeonCityLights to get his ass on Skype so we can gossip and talk about boys and girls and our periods. He even created a damn Facebook event for this thing. C'mon loser, don't be late to your own party

I've been getting stuff ready for school; loans, bursaries, the works. If anything is going to get me motivated to get myself a damn good job once I'm done with school, it will be the mountain of student loans to pay off.
At least I have two more months of sunshine and alcohol and goofing off and poor judgement to fit in before film school finally starts ... thinking lately that I'm really interested in cinematography. The whole aspect of how lighting and angles and depth of field and focus, the filters and the lens plays in how a film will eventually look is very fascinating to me. I notice that shit. I would love to work as a director of photography one day. I think that might be my end goal.
Funny story: on Saturday, I went out for sushi with the Gozer and his wife. Gozer has two full sleeves of tattoos, and I had my shoulder tat on display at this place. There was this little girl who was maybe five or six, who kept looking over at us with this really concerned look on her face. Kind of like this:

Anyway, she did this every couple of minutes the whole time we were there. I thought it was funny, it didn't bother me. Anyway, at one point, this little girl taps her little sister on the shoulder, and says to her, while looking at us,
"Those people kill people."
I LOL'd. I probably said something silly like that when I was a young'un with virgin skin. Gozer decided to play it up by giving her the evil eye. Poor thing looked like she was about to have a heart attack!
It's okay though, the scariest thing Gozer has done was sing in public that one time.
I did a super cool shoot last week. Shot with an old 35mm and Polaroid 200 series. Arts meets vintage meets erotica. Kind of got an S Magazine feel to it. I think it's probably one of my strongest so far. Really stoked to get the final prints back to put in my port and show you all. I saw one that came from the Polaroid that I was really proud of; let's just say .... Kim Kardashian, eat your eat out.
Life has otherwise been going on as it has without much drama. Bars, boys, girls, adventures. I made a BookFace.
I got a fair number of people asking me if I had one, so I did. I also can be somewhat self absorbed. At least I'm not above admitting it. Like me, I guess.
Other things I've been doing and stuff that interests me:
I think that may be all for now ... until next time when I have some real stories to tell.
Kisses for the misses, cuz who needs fellahs?
SG Land, what would your zombie apocalypse playlist be?
Harajuku xx
us BC SGs should get together and have a cuddle party to warm up on these cold nights! <3