This is the street I take to work. The picture (not taken by me) was taken from Flamingo Blvd. The street crossing it? Las Vegas Blvd.!
I'm reading
Eats, Shoots and Leaves, a kick ass book about punctuation. I'm going. to be so - good, at punctuation, I can't wait! It was a best-seller in England, so it must be good. Right?! I'll let you know if it's good.
There. I updated.
This just in!: My cat wants to type!
She typed it herself. I'll be studying this for the next few days. Slog... what could she be trying to say?!

I'm reading
Eats, Shoots and Leaves, a kick ass book about punctuation. I'm going. to be so - good, at punctuation, I can't wait! It was a best-seller in England, so it must be good. Right?! I'll let you know if it's good.

There. I updated.
This just in!: My cat wants to type!
She typed it herself. I'll be studying this for the next few days. Slog... what could she be trying to say?!
Lawyers, psssh. So whats up man? And how are you still 37 after Im gone for a week? Bah!
My roomate read "Eats shoots and leaves" recently. You 2 should get together and bask in your punctuation obsessed world. Fuckin pandas... not using commas.