I have to be one of the luckiest guys in the whole wide world. Lately, my life has been really good. I think a great deal of it has to do with trying to embrace the idea of, "Wanting what I have and not having what I want".
On a different note:
I never thought they'd get me. I held out all this time ... but alas, I fell victim to their ways:
I never thought I'd have, "my drink". Sooo many people I know had their very own, "my drink", and I even prided myself in the fact I did not.
Damn you Grande Non-Fat Chai Latte with no water!
On the up side, a guy in my cast works their part time and stole me a bottle of the Chai, so all I have to do is add it to milk and heat it up myself. I'm drinking some now.
I'm so weak.
I really need to write more often/better in this journal area. Things are still hectic at work, when it slows I'll take care of that. I promise.
On a different note:
I never thought they'd get me. I held out all this time ... but alas, I fell victim to their ways:

I never thought I'd have, "my drink". Sooo many people I know had their very own, "my drink", and I even prided myself in the fact I did not.
Damn you Grande Non-Fat Chai Latte with no water!
On the up side, a guy in my cast works their part time and stole me a bottle of the Chai, so all I have to do is add it to milk and heat it up myself. I'm drinking some now.
I'm so weak.

I really need to write more often/better in this journal area. Things are still hectic at work, when it slows I'll take care of that. I promise.
I wouldn't consider myself Catholic in the traditional sense, but it tends to irk me when people start criticizing a religion on the behaviour of the practitioners (which is typically stereotyped and incorrect) as opposed to the doctrine and theology.
Religions can be extremely beautifuly and produce very wonderful fruits, but unfortunately it can also be highly destructive by institution and practice by those being extremely incorrect.
Thanks for the comment, I liked what you had to say. I don't understand why people think its so weird for the religiously minded to hang out on a porn site.