It's nothing special. An old wooden desk sits facing a window that needed to be cleaned decades ago. Most of the drawers are busted out, but that doesn't matter; there's nothing to put in them. In front of the desk - a broken office chair ... on top - a computer... the only light in this room.
If you were to wander out across the cold floor boards, you'd be greeted with deep creaks and a naked bulb hanging in the hallway, flickering in it's last moments of life. If it's Morse code, I wouldn't know it. And besides, the message is probably nothing I'd want to hear.
The only other furniture here is a bottle of scotch and a glass tumbler. If you're looking for sunshine and smiles, look somewhere else kid.
Ha ha ha... I was going to leave it like that, but I thought someone would think I'm actually trying to take myself seriously with that post! Good Lord, I have too much money to live in squalor like that... besides.. Who the fuck spends money on a PC but doesn't spend the 2 bits on a new bulb?
I had a great time meeting some of the SGLA gang on Thanksgiving, thanks to my best friend for life Scopitone. Meeting them showed me that there was a reason to join this site, and learning I can block freaks, only solidified it.
Lately, I've been obsessed with the idea of drinking Absinthe. I've never tried it, but I've been investigating it and think I found the kind I'm going to buy. Good ol' Czech Republic has my back on this one! Have you tried it? Is the 'Absinthe Clarity' a real thing? I'm curious what it's like... I'll let you know. I'm giving a few weeks of patience and $160.oo to find out.
Absinthe... are you
? I hope to get as silly as a
and as mean as a
If you were to wander out across the cold floor boards, you'd be greeted with deep creaks and a naked bulb hanging in the hallway, flickering in it's last moments of life. If it's Morse code, I wouldn't know it. And besides, the message is probably nothing I'd want to hear.
The only other furniture here is a bottle of scotch and a glass tumbler. If you're looking for sunshine and smiles, look somewhere else kid.
Ha ha ha... I was going to leave it like that, but I thought someone would think I'm actually trying to take myself seriously with that post! Good Lord, I have too much money to live in squalor like that... besides.. Who the fuck spends money on a PC but doesn't spend the 2 bits on a new bulb?
I had a great time meeting some of the SGLA gang on Thanksgiving, thanks to my best friend for life Scopitone. Meeting them showed me that there was a reason to join this site, and learning I can block freaks, only solidified it.
Lately, I've been obsessed with the idea of drinking Absinthe. I've never tried it, but I've been investigating it and think I found the kind I'm going to buy. Good ol' Czech Republic has my back on this one! Have you tried it? Is the 'Absinthe Clarity' a real thing? I'm curious what it's like... I'll let you know. I'm giving a few weeks of patience and $160.oo to find out.
Absinthe... are you

Yeah, welcome, welcome to the world of breasts and pointless posting, hope you are settling in well of course you do have an excellent guide