Playing corporate games today, lets make the people feel good about the shitty work they do, by honoring them this week. So we get to play games at least 2 hours during this week, broken out in teams. My team decided to be different and were a country of thugs...I actually got to look like a thug was kinda cool and hey...I made a sexy thug with a do-rag on my head It was even more fun giving all the old ladies at the buick service center the evil glare while waiting for my car
Halloween is just around the corner and I am not sure what to dress up as yet..... maybe I'll be the albino with missing toes from Gummo
Halloween is just around the corner and I am not sure what to dress up as yet..... maybe I'll be the albino with missing toes from Gummo
oh don't worry I am....its going to take a little time...but I'll be as good as new soon enough
Well, It looks like Im going this weekend, wanna come hold my hand , j/k im not sure how much i wanna get done.