(copied over from LiveJournal)
Ah my friends, long time no see. I trust you are all doing well? Good good. Oh boy do I have a lot to talk about! Over a months worth of subjects as a matter of fact. This post will be so jam packed with jrock nutrition that you'll be full to bursting by the time you're finished. Don't worry about weight gain as I am fortified with all essential vitamins and minerals.
You may have noticed a slight change to my journal lately (or not. Pretend you did anyway). I didn't delete the archives, I just set them all to private for the moment. You see, I went and got myself taken off the available list. I assumed that I'd be the perpetual "nice guy" who women only want to be friends with, but never go out with. I had gotten used to this and was accepting of my place in life. Then a woman came along who loves me and makes me happier then I've been in a long time, and I do believe cupid's arrow has struck this dried up cynical undead heart o' mine. I'll spare you any more mushy talk for the moment. It makes me gag when I read it from other people, I don't want to do the same to you. Anyway, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend has been using my journal as fuel to flame hatred for me through out my girlfriend's family. Using blurbs from my journal he has been painting me as a immature godless alcoholic who's only out for sex. This pissed me off to no end. At first I was going to delete everything and make a new account, but instead just made my old entries private. If he wants to use anything against me, he's more then welcome to take it from this post which I have no doubt he will. Have fun John. I'd like to point out one thing before I move on to a different subject. If I'm such a bad person how come I haven't been badmouthing you at all throughout all of this? How come I've been concerned with Mary's happiness while you've been doing nothing but acting like a child and trying to turn the family against me? Think about that before you go off trying to sabotage our relationship some more. The agnostic is turning the other cheek.
With that out of the way, let's get on with the show. I look back on my last post and see it was written the day before I was planning on going out to watch Pirates with Randi and Mary. Damn that was a long time ago. I'm such a horrible blogger. We met up at Oberweis like we always do, and headed off to the theater. We came a half hour early and still had to wait in line to get in to the show, and this was a 2:15 showing. Pirates was excellent, just as I expected it to be. Not as good as the first movie, but still quite enjoyable. I love the way it ended, very Empire Strikes Back-ish. I can't wait until the next one, I am counting down the days. My last few sentences, are all structured the same way. They are short, and are cut in half with a comma. Anywho...The Pirates trilogy has the potential to be one of the greatest movie series in the history of everything. It has Pirates, zombies, monkeys, zombie monkeys, zombie pirates, a midget, guns, explosions, and sword fights. All it needs is ninja's, robots, kung fu, and maybe a space battle and it will be worthy of worship.
After the movie we zoomed on over to the Oakbrook Mall (it's quickly becoming my favorite mall) and did some shopping. I had wanted to go there to pick up my new iPod since my old one's harddrive failed on me. If you're keeping score, yes that is the second one I've had replaced in less than a year. Oh Apple, how can I love you and hate you so much at the same time? By the way, don't mention this to any of my gamer buddies, but I'm thinking about getting a mac as my next computer. They are doing so much right lately that i can't help but take notice. It won't be a for a while though. By that time boot camp will be more stable, Leopard will be released, Windows Vista will be released, and I will have a chance to compare my needs with what's available out there.
We were also there to do some shoe shopping for the ladies. We must have visited every store will shoes in that mall twice. I have come to discover that clothes shopping for women is serious business. I can find an entire outfit in a half an hour. It takes them four hours to find shoes. I don't mind. It's a nice mall to walk around during the summer since its outdoors and all that. They had me go into Victoria Secrets at one point to try and embarass me. The only problem with that though, is I'm not embarassed about going into that place . Please, it takes more then some underwear to make me blush. Oakbrook trip was ended with a lovely dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had the Godiva Chocolate cheesecake if you are wondering. I'm warning you, avoid that one unless you absolutely love chocolate with all your heart. There is more chocolate flavor in one bite of that then there is in a 1 pound bag of chocolate kisses. We ended the night parked in the Oberweis parking lot, hanging out in my car, talking about whatever until all hours of the night., as is our way on Thursdays.
That Sunday, the 9th for those not paying attention, the family all packed up and drove down to Nashville, Indiana for a small family reunion. It wasn't an official reunion with family from all over coming to visit. It was just a few families from near Chicago and a few families from down in the southern Indiana area getting together for a little fun. We made it down there in about 5 hours. Luckly for me I brought my gameboy with me. Five hours goes fairly quick when you are playing Metroid. We all got settled in. My brother and I in a cabin, my parents at the campgrounds (Yeah, I like nature and all, but I like air conditioning and electricity too).
That Monday was the big day of the reunion. We headed in to town to gather all the necessary supplies (i.e beer and ice). Oh, little side story about buying the beer. We all go into the liquor store to grab what we want, then head to the counter. My dad is first in line where he buys a pack of beer, bags of ice, and a case of coke. He makes his purchase, tells Joe to grab the Coke, and walks out the door. Now I'm up. I give him my pack of beer and he asks for my ID (that was the first time I had ever been asked for an ID while buying beer by the way), he also asks me if Joe has an ID. Joe is now outside helping my dad. I say "He's only 19, he's not drinking anything but coke tonight". The dude at the counter the says "Then what was he doing in the store? Didn't you read the fucking sign? Nobody under 21 is alowed in the store!". OMG, I wanted to lay into him so bad, but my mom was standing right next to me. So all I said was "Good to know, maybe next time you should take it up with his parents instead of me. I couldn't really give two shits about what the sign says, I'm never coming back here anyway." I then took my change and told him to have a nice day.
We make it to the pavillion for good times, good food, good music, and good family. It was a fun time all around. We had a campfire going. The kids made smores for everyone. Some of the family brought guitars and had a jam around the fire. I played frisbee with my Dad, brother, and 2 of my uncles for most of the day. All around it was a great time. My family is so fun to be around. For anyone who's keeping track, beers consumed that day = 2.
Tuesday it rained. We decided it would be a good day to head down town and check out all the little shops. Nashville is your tipical tourist town. Its got little craft shops everywhere. I bought some chocolate mint flavored popcorn at one shop, and the little old lady who worked there made it right in front of me. It was so sugary delicious. I wish i had some with me right now *droool*. One thing I noticed while visiting all these little shops which surprised me was the seemingly large wiccan population in the town. In about a third of the shops I visited, there were little pentagram symbols inside the stores or little blurbs like Goddess bless us and things of that sort. Something you don't normally see in small towns like that.
Around 1 or so the sun came out and we met up with some more of my family (Aunt Laura, Uncle Ron, Aunt Cathy, Ed, cousin Ashley, cousin Emma, Ashley's friend Jermary, Emma's friend what'sherface). I learned this day that I never want to have daughters, or, at least, ones that survive to be teenagers. First off, all the girls are between the ages of 14 and 16 and all hit puberty around the same time. So they all have new parts to show off, and boy do they ever want to show them. All four of them wore these tiny shorts and tight little low cut tops that I would have never let them wear in a million years if I was their parent. My aunts were all like "If they have the bodies, let them have some fun showing them off while they still have them". My uncles looked like they wanted to punch the lights out of every man who looked at the girls twice. We split up after a few, I couldn't take anymore squeeling of "Awww, that's sooooo cute!" or "That would look cute on you! No that would look cuter on you!" Arrgh! I found my uncles later sitting on a bench with piles of bags surrounding them. My uncles look like they've aged years. One of them turns to me and says "Now I know why they invented handguns...teenage girls."
That night they had some game tournaments going on in the lodge so a few of us decided to check it out. My dad, unlces, and brother joined the poker tournament. While I played a game called left right center. I ended up winning 10 bucks that night. Thats a good party game. The way the game goes is you start out with 3 chips and you roll special dice that have a L, R, C, or dot on a side. You roll all 3 die and if you roll a L you move a chip to the person on your left, if its an R you give a chip to the person on your right, if its a C you put it in the middle of the table, and if its a dot you keep the chip. The last person with chips is the winner. You also can only roll as many dice as you have chips. So if you have 2 chips you roll 2 dice, 1 chip 1 die, no chips no die. Its an easy game, but its fun. Even if you lose all you chips in the very beginning, you're still in the game as long as there are chips on the table. You never know if a string of bad rolls is going to move chips into your posession.
My family had a more lucrative night then me. Especially my brother. To the shock of everyone, my brother kicked everyones ass in texas holdem' poker and took home a 50 dollar pot for the night. For a dude with no job, that made his day
Wednesday was hiking day. It rained hard that night, but we didn't care if we got a little muddy. I must have walked 10 miles that day. Through woods, streams, mud, spider webs, and all sorts of naturey type things. My cousins and friends came for one of the shorter walks around a small lake and cracked me up. My two cousins have camped every summer their entire lives. Bugs and dirt and reptiles and amphibians don't phase them at all. It sure does gross out there friends though. Here we are walking along, when one of my cousins jumps off the trail into the mud and grabs something off the ground real quick. She comes back up and she has a small baby frog in her hands. My other cousin is awww-ing over this frog like its the cutest thing ever and the two friends are like "keep that gross thing away from me". My cousin Ashley hands the frog to her friend jermary to show her is not as nasty as she thinks. The instant the poor thing moves in Jermary's hand she freaks out and flings the frog into the water.....where it promptly gets torn apart by hungry fish. Does it make me a bad person for laughing at that? Because I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. You had to have been there I guess. My cousins reactions to that was priceless.
Animals spotted while hiking: Two wild turkeys, family of racoons, grey fox, all sorts of snakes, box turtle, soft shell turtles, snapping turtles, skunk, opossum, big fat woodchuck, hawks of all sorts, vultures, and a feral cat.
Thursday was checkout day for our cabin, but my parents decided to stay for another day. So we all went over to my Aunt Laura and Uncle Ron's cabin. They rented a family cabin which is big enough to sleep 8 people. These things are more like house than a cabin. A group of us headed over to the swimming pool to cool off. I didn't swim much since I don't own swimming shorts t all. I jumped in the water with my kaki shorts to cool off, and spent the rest of the time reading my book out in the sun. I should have made sure the sun screen I was wearing didn't wsh off too mush while I was in the pool, because my poor legs got horribly burned that day.
That night Ed made spagetti and garlic bread and we had a big meal together. After dinner my uncles and dad wanted to get revenge on Joe so started up a small poker tournament of there own. I stayed out of it since I'm horrible at poker. Plus I was busy texting Randi and Mary. First round Joe was eliminated right away, with the winner being my uncle Ron. 20 bucks was the prize. Second round, my brother lasted longer but still got eliminated. Winner was my Dad, prize 30 bucks. Last round, its close to two in the morning, I just finshed suffering through the notebook while surrounded by sniffling crying girls and I finished the last of the beer that I bought (4 beers that night if you are counting). Joe looks like he's about to be eliminated again. He's against my dad and uncle ron, and they both have more chip than him. The next thing you know, Joe bluffs my uncle ron out of his whole stack of chips and its now down to my dad and joe. A few hands go by with nothing too exciting happening. Then they start betting big, both of them are going back and forth with the raises when my brother puts everything in. My dad has no choice but to answer with his whole stack. They both show their cards and my dad has the upper hand. First card is drawn, advantage goes even more to my dad. Second card is drawn, it helps out my brother. Third card is drawn, no help for either of them. Final card is drawn...it goes to my brother. Full house, he wins it! Prize for the final tournament, 50 bucks. People start going to bed, I totally forget to say goodnight to my texting buddies and try to get some sleep, and Ed figures this would be a perfect time to pop in Moonstruck. That lasted all of about 15 minutes before he is snoring on the couch thank god.
Friday was uneventful, we headed back to town to grab any last crappy nick nacks anyone might want. Had breakfast at this little coffee house with the best breakfast croissant sandwich thingy I had ever tasted and drove home.
I got to catch up on my netflix movie watching while home. Saw Layercake. A fantastic movie starring the dude who's going to play the next James Bond. Its about a big time drug dealer who is always very careful and always has a set of rules that he follows. After a few years in the business he decides its time for him to retire. His boss gives him one last job before he goes though. And this job forces him to break his rules until he is just trying to survive while everything goes wrong around him.
I also saw Welcome to the Dollhouse. I got this movie when i was going through adding independant award winning films to my queue. Ever since this movie, i have learned to read the descriptions of the movie before blindly adding it. Yeah, it bored me to tears. Nothing left to say about it but that.
Finally, last night I finished up Oldboy. It is a Korean movie and definately has that asian movie feel to it. Its about a man who's imprisoned in an apartment for 15 years, then mysteriously released. Now he is on a mission to find out who imprisoned him and why. From the trailors it looks like an action movie, while there are fighting scenes in the movie, it is by no means an action movie. Its a great watch if you like movies like momento. Its an entertaining mystery with a twist.
Oh yeah, That Saturday I watched Clerks 2. I looooooved it. I could watch that movie over and over again and never get tired of it. As a matter of fact, i liked it so much that I went out and saw it again on Monday with Sabrina. There are so many funny and touching parts to that movie that I can't even begin to list them all. If it wasn't for this movie I would have never known about pillowpants, or that the preferred term is interspecies erotica, or that in the heat of passion it's ok to go ass to mouth. Oh, and you know that metal song with the high pitched singer that Jay and Silent Bob keep playing on their radio? I have that on tape. It's the first song on the King Diamond album Them. One of his best albums by the way.
Ok, what's up next? Warped tour! I think Warped is going to replace Ozzfest as my heavy music summer fest of choice in the future. It's cheaper, and I really dig some of the hardcore bands that are out there. First thing I did that day after I got all ready to go was slather a bunch of sunscreen all over me. I got burned bad once this summer. Once is enough. Brian told me to get there before 10, but since the concert didn't start until 12:00, I wasn't about to hurry over there early. I made it there with pleanty of time to spare and we all jumped into Dan's car. Dan almost made me piss myself on the way there. We were parked at a gas station so Dan could grab some cigarettes (which was a good idea, they were over $9 a pack at the tweeter). On the way out of the parking lot, instead of backing up and driving out of the lot, he drove over the cement curbs that separate the gas station lot from the store lots behind it. We all thought he did it on purpose at first. Like he thought, "Meh, my car is crappy anyway. I'll just plow right over these things." Then he goes, "Whoa, I didn't even seen them." And we all just bust out laughing. Dan's a crazy man.
In the beginning while we were waiting in line to get in, the day showed signs of being blistering hot and humid. Luckly for us, It clouded up fairly early on in the day and we got some relief from the heat. It ended up being a really nice day for an outdoor show. I can't even begin to name all the bands I saw during the day. If you know anything about warped tour, you'll know they have about 100 bands play during the coarse of the day on various stages set up all over the place. We wandered around and watched bands play if they caught our interest. Every once in a while we'd try to follow the schedule in order to see a band we recognized and liked. Some of the bands that stood out for me were As I lay Dying, From Autumn to Ashes, and The Casualties. Pretty much the harder angry bands with huge circle pits are the ones I liked the best.
We stayed until Rise Against, but felt all tired and dirty and hungry, so we headed on back to the car. And as is the normal trend for me and my friends when we go to the tweeter, we couldn't find the damned car. Yes, it is a regular ritual for us to have to look all over the damn parking lot for the car because none of us thought to remember where we parked. We finally find the car, pack ourselves in, and listen to the wonderful sounds of the engine not starting up. I mentioned before that Dan's car is kinda crappy, didn't I? I mention it again here. Dan's car is kinda crappy. He eventually got it started, but the only way to keep it going is by holding the gas down no matter what. We zoomed through that parking lot with hardly a pause. Stoplights gave use some trouble and we had to restart twice, but once he hit 80 it was smooth sailing. We were all praying to various deities at one point though, especially when he was flying through the ramp to get onto 80 and the tires are squeeling through the turn.
Whew, we made it back to Joliet alive and head on over to the nearest Wendy's. Inside there was an exceptionally loud argument going on between a manager, some dude, and the dude's mom. It got fairly tense in the room, and instead of waiting around to get shot, we left to find a different place to eat. They all wanted White Castle. I suggested some other place that didn't sell deep fried puke on a bun, but I was overruled. I went with a safe choice of tobasco flavored chicken rings. Don't get them. The flavoring is a type of season salt. Why do they feel the need to salt something deep fried? Why couldn't they just use tobasco sauce? *sigh*
We made it home alive and full of the need to rock out again in the future. Good times.
On to August. It started out bitter sweet. Mary came back from vacation *yay!*. Brian and Sabrina's grandmother died .
Skip to next week. I was invited to go to Brian and Sabrina's cousin's wedding on the 11th as Sabrina's "date". It's the 10th and I haven't gotten anything the wear to the wedding yet. Randi and Mary saved me from this predicament. Onward to Oakbrook once again! Remember way way up there towards the top of my post about how I can find a complete outfit in about half an hour? Well I was wrong. It took me about an hour, because I needed my pants hemmed and my shirt pressed too . After the shopping spree we went to guess where? The Cheesecake Factory. The tasty tasty Cheesecake Factory. Strawberry lemonade, shrimp with angel hair pasta, and white chocolate raspberry cheesecake is quite possibly the perfect meal. Randi doesn't like going out with us anymore though. She feels like a chaperon on one of our dates .
Next day, wedding day. i was told to get there around 1:30 by Chris and by 1:00 by Brian. I chose the median and got there around 1:15. I didn't eat any lunch because I thought we were in a hurry to get to the wedding. As it ends up, Brian's parents don't show up to pick us up until 2:00. Oh well. Let me do an imitation of how everyone was in the car on the way there.
Ahem! *clears throat*
*Panic panic panic* omg there's and accident on 55! *panic panic panic* omg there's another accident! we're going to be late! Why God? Why hast thou forsaken us? *panic panic panic* *calls sabrina* Try to delay them, we're almost there! *panic panic panic* omg a long ass train! Why is it stopping !?!? *calls sabrina* The bride forgot something? The wedding is delayed? Woooo! We make it on time.
Thank you *bows* That's excatly how it happened. Lots of panicing and ulcers being produced. I sat back and watched it all without a care in the world. The wedding itself was nice. I got a nice laugh out of this dude named Joe who thought a quiet part in the ceremony would be the perfect time to mumble loudly about whatever crazy old men mumble loudly about. Sabrina did a great job as the maid of honor. She straightened out that dress like a pro.
Ceremony over, now it's time for the reception. We head on over to the Holiday Inn and get our rooms. I got to meet my first two roommates, Jessica and uh, the dude she was with, let's just call him the rude little bitch. They decided that there wasn't nearly enough snacks and alcohol in the room at the time, so they ran out to the store to get some supplies for later that night. I sat down to relax a little as we still had a few hours until the reception was scheduled to start. Brian and Sabrina's parents and their uncle Dwain(sp?) stopped by to see if I wanted to walk around. With nothing better to do I gladly joined them. We made it to the reception area where I got to meet Tabitha's mother who promply told me to get to work and help set up the tables. Yeah....I didn't like her much after that. Rude pushy people don't appeal to me much.
I'm starving to death by this time and we still have a half an hour or so before the reception starts. I'm already skin and bones, I needed food right away before I fade into nothingness. Luckly there was a coke machine around the corner. I was saved from an untimely death. Reception finally starts and the bar opens to a roaring applause. Ok, maybe not a roaring applause, but definately to the sound of a stampede as people get ready to get their drink on. Drink of choice for me for the evening? Vodka and cranberry juice.
The wedding peeps filter in. Little tasty treats are served, the spinich pastry thingys are especially good. Speeches are made. The bestman's speech is boring and montone, Sabrina's speech is touching and heartfelt. She even cries during it. (everyone say, awwwwwwww). Dinner is a large variety of stuff, from pork to beef slices, mostachiolli, chicken, and uh other stuff, oh yeah! and good soup! I was getting sick and tired of people shaking those damned tick tack containers to get the couple to kiss. Let them eat people! I forgot to mention that. Instead of tapping glasses, you shake these tick tack breath mint containers. Not as damaging to glassware, but equally as annoying. They also had these little candles for everyone at every table and I grabbed one that had a slightly fancier ribbon on it. Chris(sabrina and brians mom) basically wanted me to guard that candle with my life all evening because it was unique. I may not have guarded it that well, but it made it home with me and that's all that counts, right?
Dinner is over and now it's time for the party to start. There was lots of drinking, lots of dancing, lots of laughing, and good times had by all. Chris shook her ass on the dancefloor like a madwoman. That lady can dance and she loves it. I can't dance and I hate it, so I spent most of my time watching the dancers and having a good time. That's not to say I didn't dance at all. I went up there to slowdance with sabrina a few times. We even did the tango at one point and both almost peed ourselves from laughing so hard. Brian and Danielle danced a few times up there as well. For a wedding reception, the music was typically horrible, but that's to be expected. 12:30 rolled around and the reception came to a close. I can't even begin to tell you how many drinks I had by the end of the night. I will point out though, that I wasn't stumbling around drunk. Sorry to disappoint anyone who may be looking at this as more ammo to throw at me, but I don't go all crazy when I drink. I'm an adult who know his limits and when to slow down.
I made it back to my room and it was filled with people. Apparently, my room was the party room. A few people filtered outand all that was left was me, sabrina, and rude little bitch. Rude little bitch had his feeling hurt earlier in the evening and decided the best thing to do would be to pack up and leave. Rude little bitch was jessica's and Heather's ride home and shouldn't have left at all, but since he's a rude little bitch, he left. People were filtering back in, we hung out in our room for a bit and talked. People continued to drink, as we had a few cases of beer in our room (no I didn't drink, I was done for the night). The rumor going around for people looking for something to do was that we were all going to go bowling in our wedding outfits. Sabrina is off somewhere, our room starts clearing out, Brian, Danielle, and I head out to find the bowling alley. On the way towards the place we meet up with Dwain and some other dude who was wasted out of his mind. In a flash of stupidity, we jump into the backseat of this wasted dudes car inorder to find the bowling alley. Thank God it was just down the road, because I swear we would have died if he had to drive any farther. Its about 1:30 now as we walk into the bowling alley. We find out the place closes at 2, and the bar has already announced last call. We hang out for a bit hoping the bride and groom show up. More wedding people start filtering in to the place, but we can't do anything without the main people. We all decide fuck this, and head back to the hotel. This time we walk though since Dwain and the amazing alcohol sponge want to keep drinking. Also, danielle and I want to live to see tomorrow.
Things start slowing down at this point. People start going into their rooms. Our little group thought it would be a good idea to stay up all night since some of them had to wake up at 6 to get to the bus station. That plan didn't last very long. Around 4 in the morning we all fell asleep.
There is a person I've been leaving out of this tale, because i think she deserves her very own section. Her name is Wendy, and she was highly entertaining. Wendy drank more then any woman I have ever seen drink, and she is a wild party girl. Apparently when she's sober she's pretty loud and crazy. Well when she's drunk all that is amplified. First off, she danced all night. Not just regular dancing either, oh no, this was rap video skank booty shaking at its finest. As the night went on she kept pulling her dress up higher and higher, until, by the last dance, you could clearly see what color underwear she had on (robin's egg blue if you are interested). She was at the alley with us being her loud self went we all decided to head back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel we had to step over this chain to get into the hotel parking lot. The chain was far from being an insurmountable obstacle, as it was only about 6 inches off the ground. For Wendy though, it was an ingenious trap designed to snare anyone who dares get close. Danielle and I had a long laugh while watching her struggle with this horrible chain. I know, I shouldn't laugh, but I couldn't help it . Finally, to top off the Wendy shenanigans. Wendy at one point during the night layed down to get some rest and promptly passed out. Not sleep, passed out. You could shake her hard and not wake her up at all. We are all talking in the room, when Wendy gets up quick and stumbles to the bathroom where she promptly heaves her guts out. About 10 minutes go by and we forget she's in there. One of the girls gets up to go check on her, and you can hear her going "Wendy? Wendy? What are you doing!?". Naturally we get up to see what's up. Wendy is in the bathtub, with about 4 inches of water in the tub, bottomless, talking about how she has to "wash off the dirty". I go back to my bed and leave her for others to dry off. They came back in and we start talking some more. Wendy is still in the back, she wanted to get a drink of water. About 10 minutes go by and we still hear water running. One of the girls goes back to find Wendy with her head under the faucet trying to lap up the water like a dog. Wendy, you are entertaining, but I'm glad I only had to hang out with you for a night.
We woke up around 9 or 10 or whatever. Wendy had to go to work, so she put on her dark hangover glasses and got ready. Jessica called up rude little bitch and gave him a piece of her mind. We told them checkout was at 11 when it's actually at 12 (shhhh, don't tell them). We got some piece and quiet for a few while we got ready. Sabrina started getting a craving for biscuits and gravy, and I was getting hungry myself. Brian and Danielle show up, we check out and zoom on over to The Cracker Barrel. Food is ate, plans are made, and we all go our separate ways to clean up before we gather again at the Smallwood household. Mary came over to join in on the after wedding relaxation. We headed over to the Smallwood's, and watched some of Clifford before all falling asleep on the couches.
-The End -
My giant post of doomy doom is at and end children. Don't be sad, I'll leave you with these links before I go. Team Fortress 2 I have lots of fond memories of the original team fortress and the one that came with Halflife. Me and my brother spend hours upon hours competing against each other or teaming up with each other in this game. Now its coming back and looking better then i ever imagined. I love the look of the new team fortress and will be the first in line to get it when it comes out. My pyro will live again!
Also, Charlie the Unicorn It's twisted, its funny, and it had me quoting the thing for a day after i saw it. Watch the unicorns and be entertained by their whimsical fun.
That's all i got for you folks. I've been adding on to this monster for the past 3 days. I'm spent.
By the way, I am aware of the spelling mistakes. Ignore them and they won't hurt you. This post is too long to proof read.
Ah my friends, long time no see. I trust you are all doing well? Good good. Oh boy do I have a lot to talk about! Over a months worth of subjects as a matter of fact. This post will be so jam packed with jrock nutrition that you'll be full to bursting by the time you're finished. Don't worry about weight gain as I am fortified with all essential vitamins and minerals.
You may have noticed a slight change to my journal lately (or not. Pretend you did anyway). I didn't delete the archives, I just set them all to private for the moment. You see, I went and got myself taken off the available list. I assumed that I'd be the perpetual "nice guy" who women only want to be friends with, but never go out with. I had gotten used to this and was accepting of my place in life. Then a woman came along who loves me and makes me happier then I've been in a long time, and I do believe cupid's arrow has struck this dried up cynical undead heart o' mine. I'll spare you any more mushy talk for the moment. It makes me gag when I read it from other people, I don't want to do the same to you. Anyway, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend has been using my journal as fuel to flame hatred for me through out my girlfriend's family. Using blurbs from my journal he has been painting me as a immature godless alcoholic who's only out for sex. This pissed me off to no end. At first I was going to delete everything and make a new account, but instead just made my old entries private. If he wants to use anything against me, he's more then welcome to take it from this post which I have no doubt he will. Have fun John. I'd like to point out one thing before I move on to a different subject. If I'm such a bad person how come I haven't been badmouthing you at all throughout all of this? How come I've been concerned with Mary's happiness while you've been doing nothing but acting like a child and trying to turn the family against me? Think about that before you go off trying to sabotage our relationship some more. The agnostic is turning the other cheek.
With that out of the way, let's get on with the show. I look back on my last post and see it was written the day before I was planning on going out to watch Pirates with Randi and Mary. Damn that was a long time ago. I'm such a horrible blogger. We met up at Oberweis like we always do, and headed off to the theater. We came a half hour early and still had to wait in line to get in to the show, and this was a 2:15 showing. Pirates was excellent, just as I expected it to be. Not as good as the first movie, but still quite enjoyable. I love the way it ended, very Empire Strikes Back-ish. I can't wait until the next one, I am counting down the days. My last few sentences, are all structured the same way. They are short, and are cut in half with a comma. Anywho...The Pirates trilogy has the potential to be one of the greatest movie series in the history of everything. It has Pirates, zombies, monkeys, zombie monkeys, zombie pirates, a midget, guns, explosions, and sword fights. All it needs is ninja's, robots, kung fu, and maybe a space battle and it will be worthy of worship.
After the movie we zoomed on over to the Oakbrook Mall (it's quickly becoming my favorite mall) and did some shopping. I had wanted to go there to pick up my new iPod since my old one's harddrive failed on me. If you're keeping score, yes that is the second one I've had replaced in less than a year. Oh Apple, how can I love you and hate you so much at the same time? By the way, don't mention this to any of my gamer buddies, but I'm thinking about getting a mac as my next computer. They are doing so much right lately that i can't help but take notice. It won't be a for a while though. By that time boot camp will be more stable, Leopard will be released, Windows Vista will be released, and I will have a chance to compare my needs with what's available out there.
We were also there to do some shoe shopping for the ladies. We must have visited every store will shoes in that mall twice. I have come to discover that clothes shopping for women is serious business. I can find an entire outfit in a half an hour. It takes them four hours to find shoes. I don't mind. It's a nice mall to walk around during the summer since its outdoors and all that. They had me go into Victoria Secrets at one point to try and embarass me. The only problem with that though, is I'm not embarassed about going into that place . Please, it takes more then some underwear to make me blush. Oakbrook trip was ended with a lovely dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had the Godiva Chocolate cheesecake if you are wondering. I'm warning you, avoid that one unless you absolutely love chocolate with all your heart. There is more chocolate flavor in one bite of that then there is in a 1 pound bag of chocolate kisses. We ended the night parked in the Oberweis parking lot, hanging out in my car, talking about whatever until all hours of the night., as is our way on Thursdays.
That Sunday, the 9th for those not paying attention, the family all packed up and drove down to Nashville, Indiana for a small family reunion. It wasn't an official reunion with family from all over coming to visit. It was just a few families from near Chicago and a few families from down in the southern Indiana area getting together for a little fun. We made it down there in about 5 hours. Luckly for me I brought my gameboy with me. Five hours goes fairly quick when you are playing Metroid. We all got settled in. My brother and I in a cabin, my parents at the campgrounds (Yeah, I like nature and all, but I like air conditioning and electricity too).
That Monday was the big day of the reunion. We headed in to town to gather all the necessary supplies (i.e beer and ice). Oh, little side story about buying the beer. We all go into the liquor store to grab what we want, then head to the counter. My dad is first in line where he buys a pack of beer, bags of ice, and a case of coke. He makes his purchase, tells Joe to grab the Coke, and walks out the door. Now I'm up. I give him my pack of beer and he asks for my ID (that was the first time I had ever been asked for an ID while buying beer by the way), he also asks me if Joe has an ID. Joe is now outside helping my dad. I say "He's only 19, he's not drinking anything but coke tonight". The dude at the counter the says "Then what was he doing in the store? Didn't you read the fucking sign? Nobody under 21 is alowed in the store!". OMG, I wanted to lay into him so bad, but my mom was standing right next to me. So all I said was "Good to know, maybe next time you should take it up with his parents instead of me. I couldn't really give two shits about what the sign says, I'm never coming back here anyway." I then took my change and told him to have a nice day.
We make it to the pavillion for good times, good food, good music, and good family. It was a fun time all around. We had a campfire going. The kids made smores for everyone. Some of the family brought guitars and had a jam around the fire. I played frisbee with my Dad, brother, and 2 of my uncles for most of the day. All around it was a great time. My family is so fun to be around. For anyone who's keeping track, beers consumed that day = 2.
Tuesday it rained. We decided it would be a good day to head down town and check out all the little shops. Nashville is your tipical tourist town. Its got little craft shops everywhere. I bought some chocolate mint flavored popcorn at one shop, and the little old lady who worked there made it right in front of me. It was so sugary delicious. I wish i had some with me right now *droool*. One thing I noticed while visiting all these little shops which surprised me was the seemingly large wiccan population in the town. In about a third of the shops I visited, there were little pentagram symbols inside the stores or little blurbs like Goddess bless us and things of that sort. Something you don't normally see in small towns like that.
Around 1 or so the sun came out and we met up with some more of my family (Aunt Laura, Uncle Ron, Aunt Cathy, Ed, cousin Ashley, cousin Emma, Ashley's friend Jermary, Emma's friend what'sherface). I learned this day that I never want to have daughters, or, at least, ones that survive to be teenagers. First off, all the girls are between the ages of 14 and 16 and all hit puberty around the same time. So they all have new parts to show off, and boy do they ever want to show them. All four of them wore these tiny shorts and tight little low cut tops that I would have never let them wear in a million years if I was their parent. My aunts were all like "If they have the bodies, let them have some fun showing them off while they still have them". My uncles looked like they wanted to punch the lights out of every man who looked at the girls twice. We split up after a few, I couldn't take anymore squeeling of "Awww, that's sooooo cute!" or "That would look cute on you! No that would look cuter on you!" Arrgh! I found my uncles later sitting on a bench with piles of bags surrounding them. My uncles look like they've aged years. One of them turns to me and says "Now I know why they invented handguns...teenage girls."
That night they had some game tournaments going on in the lodge so a few of us decided to check it out. My dad, unlces, and brother joined the poker tournament. While I played a game called left right center. I ended up winning 10 bucks that night. Thats a good party game. The way the game goes is you start out with 3 chips and you roll special dice that have a L, R, C, or dot on a side. You roll all 3 die and if you roll a L you move a chip to the person on your left, if its an R you give a chip to the person on your right, if its a C you put it in the middle of the table, and if its a dot you keep the chip. The last person with chips is the winner. You also can only roll as many dice as you have chips. So if you have 2 chips you roll 2 dice, 1 chip 1 die, no chips no die. Its an easy game, but its fun. Even if you lose all you chips in the very beginning, you're still in the game as long as there are chips on the table. You never know if a string of bad rolls is going to move chips into your posession.
My family had a more lucrative night then me. Especially my brother. To the shock of everyone, my brother kicked everyones ass in texas holdem' poker and took home a 50 dollar pot for the night. For a dude with no job, that made his day
Wednesday was hiking day. It rained hard that night, but we didn't care if we got a little muddy. I must have walked 10 miles that day. Through woods, streams, mud, spider webs, and all sorts of naturey type things. My cousins and friends came for one of the shorter walks around a small lake and cracked me up. My two cousins have camped every summer their entire lives. Bugs and dirt and reptiles and amphibians don't phase them at all. It sure does gross out there friends though. Here we are walking along, when one of my cousins jumps off the trail into the mud and grabs something off the ground real quick. She comes back up and she has a small baby frog in her hands. My other cousin is awww-ing over this frog like its the cutest thing ever and the two friends are like "keep that gross thing away from me". My cousin Ashley hands the frog to her friend jermary to show her is not as nasty as she thinks. The instant the poor thing moves in Jermary's hand she freaks out and flings the frog into the water.....where it promptly gets torn apart by hungry fish. Does it make me a bad person for laughing at that? Because I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. You had to have been there I guess. My cousins reactions to that was priceless.
Animals spotted while hiking: Two wild turkeys, family of racoons, grey fox, all sorts of snakes, box turtle, soft shell turtles, snapping turtles, skunk, opossum, big fat woodchuck, hawks of all sorts, vultures, and a feral cat.
Thursday was checkout day for our cabin, but my parents decided to stay for another day. So we all went over to my Aunt Laura and Uncle Ron's cabin. They rented a family cabin which is big enough to sleep 8 people. These things are more like house than a cabin. A group of us headed over to the swimming pool to cool off. I didn't swim much since I don't own swimming shorts t all. I jumped in the water with my kaki shorts to cool off, and spent the rest of the time reading my book out in the sun. I should have made sure the sun screen I was wearing didn't wsh off too mush while I was in the pool, because my poor legs got horribly burned that day.
That night Ed made spagetti and garlic bread and we had a big meal together. After dinner my uncles and dad wanted to get revenge on Joe so started up a small poker tournament of there own. I stayed out of it since I'm horrible at poker. Plus I was busy texting Randi and Mary. First round Joe was eliminated right away, with the winner being my uncle Ron. 20 bucks was the prize. Second round, my brother lasted longer but still got eliminated. Winner was my Dad, prize 30 bucks. Last round, its close to two in the morning, I just finshed suffering through the notebook while surrounded by sniffling crying girls and I finished the last of the beer that I bought (4 beers that night if you are counting). Joe looks like he's about to be eliminated again. He's against my dad and uncle ron, and they both have more chip than him. The next thing you know, Joe bluffs my uncle ron out of his whole stack of chips and its now down to my dad and joe. A few hands go by with nothing too exciting happening. Then they start betting big, both of them are going back and forth with the raises when my brother puts everything in. My dad has no choice but to answer with his whole stack. They both show their cards and my dad has the upper hand. First card is drawn, advantage goes even more to my dad. Second card is drawn, it helps out my brother. Third card is drawn, no help for either of them. Final card is drawn...it goes to my brother. Full house, he wins it! Prize for the final tournament, 50 bucks. People start going to bed, I totally forget to say goodnight to my texting buddies and try to get some sleep, and Ed figures this would be a perfect time to pop in Moonstruck. That lasted all of about 15 minutes before he is snoring on the couch thank god.
Friday was uneventful, we headed back to town to grab any last crappy nick nacks anyone might want. Had breakfast at this little coffee house with the best breakfast croissant sandwich thingy I had ever tasted and drove home.
I got to catch up on my netflix movie watching while home. Saw Layercake. A fantastic movie starring the dude who's going to play the next James Bond. Its about a big time drug dealer who is always very careful and always has a set of rules that he follows. After a few years in the business he decides its time for him to retire. His boss gives him one last job before he goes though. And this job forces him to break his rules until he is just trying to survive while everything goes wrong around him.
I also saw Welcome to the Dollhouse. I got this movie when i was going through adding independant award winning films to my queue. Ever since this movie, i have learned to read the descriptions of the movie before blindly adding it. Yeah, it bored me to tears. Nothing left to say about it but that.
Finally, last night I finished up Oldboy. It is a Korean movie and definately has that asian movie feel to it. Its about a man who's imprisoned in an apartment for 15 years, then mysteriously released. Now he is on a mission to find out who imprisoned him and why. From the trailors it looks like an action movie, while there are fighting scenes in the movie, it is by no means an action movie. Its a great watch if you like movies like momento. Its an entertaining mystery with a twist.
Oh yeah, That Saturday I watched Clerks 2. I looooooved it. I could watch that movie over and over again and never get tired of it. As a matter of fact, i liked it so much that I went out and saw it again on Monday with Sabrina. There are so many funny and touching parts to that movie that I can't even begin to list them all. If it wasn't for this movie I would have never known about pillowpants, or that the preferred term is interspecies erotica, or that in the heat of passion it's ok to go ass to mouth. Oh, and you know that metal song with the high pitched singer that Jay and Silent Bob keep playing on their radio? I have that on tape. It's the first song on the King Diamond album Them. One of his best albums by the way.
Ok, what's up next? Warped tour! I think Warped is going to replace Ozzfest as my heavy music summer fest of choice in the future. It's cheaper, and I really dig some of the hardcore bands that are out there. First thing I did that day after I got all ready to go was slather a bunch of sunscreen all over me. I got burned bad once this summer. Once is enough. Brian told me to get there before 10, but since the concert didn't start until 12:00, I wasn't about to hurry over there early. I made it there with pleanty of time to spare and we all jumped into Dan's car. Dan almost made me piss myself on the way there. We were parked at a gas station so Dan could grab some cigarettes (which was a good idea, they were over $9 a pack at the tweeter). On the way out of the parking lot, instead of backing up and driving out of the lot, he drove over the cement curbs that separate the gas station lot from the store lots behind it. We all thought he did it on purpose at first. Like he thought, "Meh, my car is crappy anyway. I'll just plow right over these things." Then he goes, "Whoa, I didn't even seen them." And we all just bust out laughing. Dan's a crazy man.
In the beginning while we were waiting in line to get in, the day showed signs of being blistering hot and humid. Luckly for us, It clouded up fairly early on in the day and we got some relief from the heat. It ended up being a really nice day for an outdoor show. I can't even begin to name all the bands I saw during the day. If you know anything about warped tour, you'll know they have about 100 bands play during the coarse of the day on various stages set up all over the place. We wandered around and watched bands play if they caught our interest. Every once in a while we'd try to follow the schedule in order to see a band we recognized and liked. Some of the bands that stood out for me were As I lay Dying, From Autumn to Ashes, and The Casualties. Pretty much the harder angry bands with huge circle pits are the ones I liked the best.
We stayed until Rise Against, but felt all tired and dirty and hungry, so we headed on back to the car. And as is the normal trend for me and my friends when we go to the tweeter, we couldn't find the damned car. Yes, it is a regular ritual for us to have to look all over the damn parking lot for the car because none of us thought to remember where we parked. We finally find the car, pack ourselves in, and listen to the wonderful sounds of the engine not starting up. I mentioned before that Dan's car is kinda crappy, didn't I? I mention it again here. Dan's car is kinda crappy. He eventually got it started, but the only way to keep it going is by holding the gas down no matter what. We zoomed through that parking lot with hardly a pause. Stoplights gave use some trouble and we had to restart twice, but once he hit 80 it was smooth sailing. We were all praying to various deities at one point though, especially when he was flying through the ramp to get onto 80 and the tires are squeeling through the turn.
Whew, we made it back to Joliet alive and head on over to the nearest Wendy's. Inside there was an exceptionally loud argument going on between a manager, some dude, and the dude's mom. It got fairly tense in the room, and instead of waiting around to get shot, we left to find a different place to eat. They all wanted White Castle. I suggested some other place that didn't sell deep fried puke on a bun, but I was overruled. I went with a safe choice of tobasco flavored chicken rings. Don't get them. The flavoring is a type of season salt. Why do they feel the need to salt something deep fried? Why couldn't they just use tobasco sauce? *sigh*
We made it home alive and full of the need to rock out again in the future. Good times.
On to August. It started out bitter sweet. Mary came back from vacation *yay!*. Brian and Sabrina's grandmother died .
Skip to next week. I was invited to go to Brian and Sabrina's cousin's wedding on the 11th as Sabrina's "date". It's the 10th and I haven't gotten anything the wear to the wedding yet. Randi and Mary saved me from this predicament. Onward to Oakbrook once again! Remember way way up there towards the top of my post about how I can find a complete outfit in about half an hour? Well I was wrong. It took me about an hour, because I needed my pants hemmed and my shirt pressed too . After the shopping spree we went to guess where? The Cheesecake Factory. The tasty tasty Cheesecake Factory. Strawberry lemonade, shrimp with angel hair pasta, and white chocolate raspberry cheesecake is quite possibly the perfect meal. Randi doesn't like going out with us anymore though. She feels like a chaperon on one of our dates .
Next day, wedding day. i was told to get there around 1:30 by Chris and by 1:00 by Brian. I chose the median and got there around 1:15. I didn't eat any lunch because I thought we were in a hurry to get to the wedding. As it ends up, Brian's parents don't show up to pick us up until 2:00. Oh well. Let me do an imitation of how everyone was in the car on the way there.
Ahem! *clears throat*
*Panic panic panic* omg there's and accident on 55! *panic panic panic* omg there's another accident! we're going to be late! Why God? Why hast thou forsaken us? *panic panic panic* *calls sabrina* Try to delay them, we're almost there! *panic panic panic* omg a long ass train! Why is it stopping !?!? *calls sabrina* The bride forgot something? The wedding is delayed? Woooo! We make it on time.
Thank you *bows* That's excatly how it happened. Lots of panicing and ulcers being produced. I sat back and watched it all without a care in the world. The wedding itself was nice. I got a nice laugh out of this dude named Joe who thought a quiet part in the ceremony would be the perfect time to mumble loudly about whatever crazy old men mumble loudly about. Sabrina did a great job as the maid of honor. She straightened out that dress like a pro.
Ceremony over, now it's time for the reception. We head on over to the Holiday Inn and get our rooms. I got to meet my first two roommates, Jessica and uh, the dude she was with, let's just call him the rude little bitch. They decided that there wasn't nearly enough snacks and alcohol in the room at the time, so they ran out to the store to get some supplies for later that night. I sat down to relax a little as we still had a few hours until the reception was scheduled to start. Brian and Sabrina's parents and their uncle Dwain(sp?) stopped by to see if I wanted to walk around. With nothing better to do I gladly joined them. We made it to the reception area where I got to meet Tabitha's mother who promply told me to get to work and help set up the tables. Yeah....I didn't like her much after that. Rude pushy people don't appeal to me much.
I'm starving to death by this time and we still have a half an hour or so before the reception starts. I'm already skin and bones, I needed food right away before I fade into nothingness. Luckly there was a coke machine around the corner. I was saved from an untimely death. Reception finally starts and the bar opens to a roaring applause. Ok, maybe not a roaring applause, but definately to the sound of a stampede as people get ready to get their drink on. Drink of choice for me for the evening? Vodka and cranberry juice.
The wedding peeps filter in. Little tasty treats are served, the spinich pastry thingys are especially good. Speeches are made. The bestman's speech is boring and montone, Sabrina's speech is touching and heartfelt. She even cries during it. (everyone say, awwwwwwww). Dinner is a large variety of stuff, from pork to beef slices, mostachiolli, chicken, and uh other stuff, oh yeah! and good soup! I was getting sick and tired of people shaking those damned tick tack containers to get the couple to kiss. Let them eat people! I forgot to mention that. Instead of tapping glasses, you shake these tick tack breath mint containers. Not as damaging to glassware, but equally as annoying. They also had these little candles for everyone at every table and I grabbed one that had a slightly fancier ribbon on it. Chris(sabrina and brians mom) basically wanted me to guard that candle with my life all evening because it was unique. I may not have guarded it that well, but it made it home with me and that's all that counts, right?
Dinner is over and now it's time for the party to start. There was lots of drinking, lots of dancing, lots of laughing, and good times had by all. Chris shook her ass on the dancefloor like a madwoman. That lady can dance and she loves it. I can't dance and I hate it, so I spent most of my time watching the dancers and having a good time. That's not to say I didn't dance at all. I went up there to slowdance with sabrina a few times. We even did the tango at one point and both almost peed ourselves from laughing so hard. Brian and Danielle danced a few times up there as well. For a wedding reception, the music was typically horrible, but that's to be expected. 12:30 rolled around and the reception came to a close. I can't even begin to tell you how many drinks I had by the end of the night. I will point out though, that I wasn't stumbling around drunk. Sorry to disappoint anyone who may be looking at this as more ammo to throw at me, but I don't go all crazy when I drink. I'm an adult who know his limits and when to slow down.
I made it back to my room and it was filled with people. Apparently, my room was the party room. A few people filtered outand all that was left was me, sabrina, and rude little bitch. Rude little bitch had his feeling hurt earlier in the evening and decided the best thing to do would be to pack up and leave. Rude little bitch was jessica's and Heather's ride home and shouldn't have left at all, but since he's a rude little bitch, he left. People were filtering back in, we hung out in our room for a bit and talked. People continued to drink, as we had a few cases of beer in our room (no I didn't drink, I was done for the night). The rumor going around for people looking for something to do was that we were all going to go bowling in our wedding outfits. Sabrina is off somewhere, our room starts clearing out, Brian, Danielle, and I head out to find the bowling alley. On the way towards the place we meet up with Dwain and some other dude who was wasted out of his mind. In a flash of stupidity, we jump into the backseat of this wasted dudes car inorder to find the bowling alley. Thank God it was just down the road, because I swear we would have died if he had to drive any farther. Its about 1:30 now as we walk into the bowling alley. We find out the place closes at 2, and the bar has already announced last call. We hang out for a bit hoping the bride and groom show up. More wedding people start filtering in to the place, but we can't do anything without the main people. We all decide fuck this, and head back to the hotel. This time we walk though since Dwain and the amazing alcohol sponge want to keep drinking. Also, danielle and I want to live to see tomorrow.
Things start slowing down at this point. People start going into their rooms. Our little group thought it would be a good idea to stay up all night since some of them had to wake up at 6 to get to the bus station. That plan didn't last very long. Around 4 in the morning we all fell asleep.
There is a person I've been leaving out of this tale, because i think she deserves her very own section. Her name is Wendy, and she was highly entertaining. Wendy drank more then any woman I have ever seen drink, and she is a wild party girl. Apparently when she's sober she's pretty loud and crazy. Well when she's drunk all that is amplified. First off, she danced all night. Not just regular dancing either, oh no, this was rap video skank booty shaking at its finest. As the night went on she kept pulling her dress up higher and higher, until, by the last dance, you could clearly see what color underwear she had on (robin's egg blue if you are interested). She was at the alley with us being her loud self went we all decided to head back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel we had to step over this chain to get into the hotel parking lot. The chain was far from being an insurmountable obstacle, as it was only about 6 inches off the ground. For Wendy though, it was an ingenious trap designed to snare anyone who dares get close. Danielle and I had a long laugh while watching her struggle with this horrible chain. I know, I shouldn't laugh, but I couldn't help it . Finally, to top off the Wendy shenanigans. Wendy at one point during the night layed down to get some rest and promptly passed out. Not sleep, passed out. You could shake her hard and not wake her up at all. We are all talking in the room, when Wendy gets up quick and stumbles to the bathroom where she promptly heaves her guts out. About 10 minutes go by and we forget she's in there. One of the girls gets up to go check on her, and you can hear her going "Wendy? Wendy? What are you doing!?". Naturally we get up to see what's up. Wendy is in the bathtub, with about 4 inches of water in the tub, bottomless, talking about how she has to "wash off the dirty". I go back to my bed and leave her for others to dry off. They came back in and we start talking some more. Wendy is still in the back, she wanted to get a drink of water. About 10 minutes go by and we still hear water running. One of the girls goes back to find Wendy with her head under the faucet trying to lap up the water like a dog. Wendy, you are entertaining, but I'm glad I only had to hang out with you for a night.
We woke up around 9 or 10 or whatever. Wendy had to go to work, so she put on her dark hangover glasses and got ready. Jessica called up rude little bitch and gave him a piece of her mind. We told them checkout was at 11 when it's actually at 12 (shhhh, don't tell them). We got some piece and quiet for a few while we got ready. Sabrina started getting a craving for biscuits and gravy, and I was getting hungry myself. Brian and Danielle show up, we check out and zoom on over to The Cracker Barrel. Food is ate, plans are made, and we all go our separate ways to clean up before we gather again at the Smallwood household. Mary came over to join in on the after wedding relaxation. We headed over to the Smallwood's, and watched some of Clifford before all falling asleep on the couches.
-The End -
My giant post of doomy doom is at and end children. Don't be sad, I'll leave you with these links before I go. Team Fortress 2 I have lots of fond memories of the original team fortress and the one that came with Halflife. Me and my brother spend hours upon hours competing against each other or teaming up with each other in this game. Now its coming back and looking better then i ever imagined. I love the look of the new team fortress and will be the first in line to get it when it comes out. My pyro will live again!
Also, Charlie the Unicorn It's twisted, its funny, and it had me quoting the thing for a day after i saw it. Watch the unicorns and be entertained by their whimsical fun.
That's all i got for you folks. I've been adding on to this monster for the past 3 days. I'm spent.
By the way, I am aware of the spelling mistakes. Ignore them and they won't hurt you. This post is too long to proof read.
Your profile pic is scary!!! That is the longest journal posting I've seen Really interesting though!