I'm sick *cough cough*

My brother came to visit last week and he was hacking like my chain smoking grandma. Now this week I'm coughing until my lungs hurt. Little bastard and his germs mad
Hey, guess who is on vacation until the 10th of January biggrin

Soooo much time off I'm not going to know what to do with myself by Monday. Guess its as good a time as any to spend those Christmas gift cards.

I need an art tablet for my computer. I have all these pictures floating in my head and only a sharpy marker and a...
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omg, who's this stranger, oh yeah, its me again, how are you all doing?

Yeah yeah, I know, I should update more. I had some really good rants I could have put up a few times, but by the time I sat in front of my computer they just didn't seem that bad anymore.

I'm doing the livejournal thing now since its easier for me...
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate! kiss
Haha, fuck, I had this long update and clicked on another link before hitting save. I've lost the momentum now. You all missed out, it was a good one I thought. Shit, well, I'm not in the mood the write anymore. Whenever you try to recreate something that was just a flow of thoughts it never comes out as good the second time. Guess I...
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Welcome to the Manga USA group! smile
hmmm.................i've got nothing good to say....nothing bad either, but just..nothing...come say hi to me shocked)
Hmmm, its been a while since I one of these here journal entries. I'm not much of a talker, online or in rl, so I go through spurts of silence where I keep things to myself. I haven't been gone, just quiet. It's hard to visit this page when sites with naked women are sort of frowned upon at work. When its slow I'm allowed...
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Omg, Battlefield Vietnam, get it, live it, love it.

Also go watch Dawn of the Dead. No its not like the old classic, don't be one of those people who automatically hates it because it not a Ramero movie. Go in and enjoy the zombies and gore and stop being so damned critical. Some movies are just made for fun.
Wow you haven't written in a loooooooong time...maybe you're having an office space year, huh? Come back..write something clever and make a girl smile...because I said so. smile
This whole month was utterly forgettable. I don't like February much as a whole. I like winter in the beginning, when its crisp and cold, and the snow is just starting to accumulate. February comes in on the ass end of winter. Everything is grey and dirty. My car is not its original color anymore because of all the crust on it. The stamp that...
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Yeah, Hi, Its fucking cold out...that is all
How much trouble did you guyz have w/ cornaiv, in PoW? He keeps on giving my guild shit.
Got the weekend off. I plan on having an Office Space weekend. sleep late and do absolutely nothing all day. I can't wait biggrin
I just aquired some dank and the patterns in my ceiling are fasinating. I feel like I'm floating above my chair and I can't stop smiling.

I think its time to make some waffles.

We need a ninja smiley, or a zombie, or maybe put a pirate hat and eyepatch on the skull. It'll be like the Pirates of the Caribbean ARRR!!! skull

Listening too: Some ambient...
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Can I taunt the Happy Fun Ball?
Last person just filtered out the door of our Christmas party. I'll save the clean up for tomorrow. Now its time to sit down. Family can be tiring *whew*
I wish I was half electronic
... That'll teach me to try and add a new journal entry while high.
Hohohoho and all that.

I spent Christmas Eve over at my parents house. When I got up this morning my mom had put presents under the tree and even had a stocking, with my name on it, hanging up filled with candy. It was nice, made me feel like a little kid again smile . Apparently I was nice this year too, because I got some...
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