OMG I haven't posted in almost 5 months!! SO much has happened and so much hasn't happened. I broke my foot on Christmas, I mentioned that in my last post. What I didn't say was that in May it was decided that I needed surgery. They used a bone graft from my pelvis and put that around a screw they used to hold the bone together. Unfortunately about a week later I had a HORRIBLE PAINFULL staph infection. For that I needed 2 more surgeries AND after about 5 days in the hospital I had a PICC line placed. With that I could go home and treat myself twice a day for two hours with a high dose antibiotic called Vancomiacin. I tell you the stuff is tough!! This went on for five weeks. Over ten casts and three or four splints. Lots and lots of pain. The bone is nearly healed now. But I'm still in a load of pain. I saw a specialist today and now they've decided that I have something called RSD Look it up. It's not fun. IT's a neuro. disorder where you're pain receptors kinda go out of control and make you think you're in pain all the time.
So that's what's been going on with me. OH BTW I also lost my job because I didn't heal fast enough for the HOSPITAL that I worked for. Gotta love it.
I've missed you all!!

I've missed you all!!
Sounds like a horrible horrible time. Hope you're soon back to normal
They fired you because they, in essence, couldn't do a better job of fixing you up?? That's not right.