My black cloud has returned. I guess you can't really call it post pardum depression when you're baby is over a year old. SO I'll just say I'm depressed. THere are several things contributing to that. Number one: Work SUCKS ASS!! I'm constantly schedualed with these two colleage students who spend most of they're time fighting with each other and when they aren't fighting they're doing their homework. Wich means I end up doing most of the work. I used to love my job now just feel like I'm constantly getting dumped on. Number two: Tyson's birth father has contacted me. After 6 years of no contact he wants to meet him!@ This is the same guy who abused me and drank and drugged our money away. IT was one of the hardest things I ever did leaving him and I never want to let him back into our lives. He claims he's clean and sober for six months. Wich isn't long enough for me. He has another child that he now sees after a long time of no contact and a third child that I don't think he's ever seen. Well I told him absolutley not. I said that when tyson was old enough to ask to see him I would let him know. Tyson's only nine and a very sensitve boy. I don't want ryan to screw him up. Number three: My sister moved out of our house. She was renting the apartment we have in our basment. I knew that it was only going to be for a short time but I really injoyed her living here. So there's my sob story. Just wanted to get it out.

happy valentines day