I've been on sg a ton but haven't updated my blog in forever.. SO here it goes:
-My christmas was actually pretty good. we spent time with my mom and Jays family. Jason's parents gave me a new laptop!! I was compleately suprized. I had asked Jay if he would get me one but he said that we couldn't afford it. He never told me he'd asked his parents. Anyways it's the best present. AND now I have a web cam. SOOOO if anyone wants to chat with me AND see my beautifull face now they can!!!
-My cat Moses has been horrilby ill again. Apparently he had some kitty acne on his chin. The vet told me this is comman but I've had 5 cats and never had one with acne. Anyways it was on his chin and we didn't notice untill it was infected. SO I spent a ton of money fixing up my lovely boy. We have to give him meds twice a day and clean out his chin twice also. I'd do just about anything for this crabby kitty so hopefully it pays off and he gets better.
-THere's a SHITTON of bull going on at my work now. They've totally fucked with our schedules. We are currently 12-14 people short and people are quitting almost everyday. It sucks.
- The kids are all doing fine. Joy and Tyson are still working hard in school. Joy learned this cute song about snowmen melting. She sings it all the time. Fletch is growing like a weed. Currently he's around 18lbs. He's also eating some baby food and cereal now and can sit up alone. He plays peekaboo it's the cutest thing in the world.
-My mom is having some health problems. My sister and I have been trying to share the resposiblity of helping her. Taking her to appts. and staying with her in the hospital. IT's hard when I have 3 kids and a husband ect. to take care of. I hope she gets better soon.
-In spite of the problems life is good. How are all my lovely friends??
-My christmas was actually pretty good. we spent time with my mom and Jays family. Jason's parents gave me a new laptop!! I was compleately suprized. I had asked Jay if he would get me one but he said that we couldn't afford it. He never told me he'd asked his parents. Anyways it's the best present. AND now I have a web cam. SOOOO if anyone wants to chat with me AND see my beautifull face now they can!!!
-My cat Moses has been horrilby ill again. Apparently he had some kitty acne on his chin. The vet told me this is comman but I've had 5 cats and never had one with acne. Anyways it was on his chin and we didn't notice untill it was infected. SO I spent a ton of money fixing up my lovely boy. We have to give him meds twice a day and clean out his chin twice also. I'd do just about anything for this crabby kitty so hopefully it pays off and he gets better.
-THere's a SHITTON of bull going on at my work now. They've totally fucked with our schedules. We are currently 12-14 people short and people are quitting almost everyday. It sucks.
- The kids are all doing fine. Joy and Tyson are still working hard in school. Joy learned this cute song about snowmen melting. She sings it all the time. Fletch is growing like a weed. Currently he's around 18lbs. He's also eating some baby food and cereal now and can sit up alone. He plays peekaboo it's the cutest thing in the world.
-My mom is having some health problems. My sister and I have been trying to share the resposiblity of helping her. Taking her to appts. and staying with her in the hospital. IT's hard when I have 3 kids and a husband ect. to take care of. I hope she gets better soon.
-In spite of the problems life is good. How are all my lovely friends??
aww sorry to hear about your mum
i like how you say 3 kids AND your husband to take care of hehe...like cause husbands need to be taken care of, or they break shit and spend money 

where are you?