Last night I had the scariest parent moment ever.
My mom had come over for dinner and we were all sitting at the table eating. I was holding Fletcher. I looked over at Tyson and his face was all red and he was making a kinda gagging face. I stood up and yelled "are you choking??" He just kinda stood there but I could tell he was choking. I kinda shoved Fletcher at my mom who wasn't paying attention to me (because Tyson was choking). So poor Fletch went falling to the ground. I felt like I had to jump over the table to get to TYson. When I got him I turned him around and did the Hymlich on him. It didn't work so I did it harder. I didn't one more time and I didn't think I was going to be able to get it. I could hear my mom yelling to call 911. As I I asked Jay to come help me the meat came up. Oh man. Everyone (except Jay) was crying. I had basically dropped poor Fletcher and in the process of getting to Tyson had shoved a chair into Joys foot. But Tyson was ok. (so was everyone els just very shocked) I can't even discribe how insainly scary it was. One of my biggest fears is to loose a child. And I felt for just a moment that I might loose Tyson. That boy had a special place in my heart. I raised him pretty much on my own untill he was three. He's my first baby and he taught me how to be a parent. I'm so thankfull that he's ok.
When I was very little...my mum almost dropped me cause of a grasshopper (she's absolutely terrified of them), but she dropped the groceries instead. Then...my dad built the attached garage so she could get in and out of her car with a minimal number of grasshopper almost baby dropping incidents