Hello my darlings!! If you've noticed I've been offline this last week you'd be right. Where have I been??? Well no where exciting. I've been in the hospital since Monday.
On Monday evening I started to have horrble pains in the top of my tummy. It just kept getting worse and worse. It wasn't like contraction pains. Just this intense stabbing like pain right under my right rib. When it got to the point that I was screaming when the pain came on Jay told me we had to go in. Well there was no one around to watch the kids so we had to bring them with us. After a bunch of tests and a demoral shot that did nothing to help my pain. They decided to admitt me. Jay didn't get the kids home untill midnight. Poor babies. Well my blood tests came back ok and I had an ultrasound that didn't so anything either. But the pain continued along with lots and lots of puking. So on Wednesday I had this horrible test called a Hyda scan. They give you this injection with a radioactive "marker" to mark your red blood cells. Then they give you an other injection that will make your gallbladder contract. This makes the marked blood cells go into your gallbladder to make sure it can fill properly. Well mine did just fine you could see my little glowing galbladder in the Xray. Well then they give you a huge amount of the drug to make your gallbladder squeeze the marked cells out of the galbladder. Well this is when it got really really bad. The cramps were so strong. The pain was terrible and then I threw up. THe thing is that I was in this machien that takes the picture and basically only my head was sticking out. So you can imagine how messy it was when I barffed. Well no matter how bad the test was I did get results we needed. My gallbladder wouldn't empty. This was why I was in so much pain. So now I have to be on a very low fat diet and take some pain meds to manage my symptoms. Normally they would remove your gallbladder if you had this but because I'm pregnant they cant do that. So hopefully I'll be able to stick it out. I am doing better now that I'm at home. I missed you all!!
I wonder if Chico is leaning funny and contributing to this?
when are you due again? I'm sorry, I can't remember. you poor thing. what a nightmare
I've heard of too many people having nearly undetectable trouble with their gallbladders. it seems we need better tests