Things are moving along in life. Work sleep cook work some more. I need to find something exciting in my life. Here's one exciteing thing: Tyson and I did his homework tonight and it took less than an hour!!!!! It's not like they load this kid down with work. He just likes to dilly dally. He gets distracted very easily. Gee I wonder where he gets that fro!? Today was good he read and we worked through the problems together and got it done. YAY US!!! I have still not done ANY christmas shopping!! GO ME!! yes I know it's getting down to the wire but I will get to It/ Eventually. I did get the gift for the name exchange with Jays family. I got this girl I've never even met before. I sent her 2 dozen chocolate covered Oreos. Hopefully she's not allergic!!!!!. Oh well if she is it's not like I knew that. I'm sick of work. THe only good thing about christmas right now is that I'm going to have 6 days off in a row. Well not much else going on just thought I should let you all know I haven't killed christmas. Not yet!
happy santa day!
I hope you had a nice holiday