My poor kitty moses started throwing up last night. This morning he was still throwing up. He was also lathargic and constipated. I called the vet and they told me to come it. He threw up while at the vet and there was blood in it. He was so upset he would hiss and growl and bite everytime anyone from the vet came near him. SO they sedated him and told me to go to work. I was so worried about hime. Jason told me that if he needed to have surgery that we'd have to put him to sleep because it was too expensive. Poor Moses. They let me stay with him while the sedation started working. He was sitting on the floor and I watched his fat little legs sink underneath him. I went to pick him up and he actually slid acrossed the floor. He was one floppy kitty. So the vet called me at work and it turned out Moses had a bowel obstruction, and an infection in his stomache that inflamed the lining. So they gave him some kitty enemas , and some antibiotics and an anti inflamitory. The vet bill was $210.00!!! But he didn't have to have surgery so I didn't have to have him put down. Thank you, Thank you kitty Gods!! So hopefully my fat kitty will be on the mend and chasing robins again soon.
3 min sex lives, HOW did this pop up on to my journal in the first place?
as for 3 mins, yes rather said... I prefer doing said funtime for atleast a hour.
or you know. more...
great, now I'm wanting sex, you bastard.