Aww dosen't that just make everything all better??
Things on the homefront are still very tense. I guess the good news is that we are both still living in our home together. But I feell like we are just going through the motions of our old life. Before he told me we would never last. THat we were to different to love each other.
I have been keeping myself very busy. We had a parent teacher confrance. Tyson's teacher says he's kinda stuck at the begining level in reading/spelling and math. I'm totally fine with her telling me that. I want to know his progression and I expected to hear that kind of stuff. I thought maybe she could suggest things I could do with Tyson at home to help him. Instead she continued by saying "I have children in this class reading at 2nd and 3rd grade levels. We have a student that has better handwriting than I do. She and do math in her head already." OK I knew exactly who she was talking about. This little girl I like to call "Cloe the wonder child". She's a perfectly wonderfull girl. She's polite, friendly and VERY very smart. This kid does not belong in the first grade! She knows french for god's sake! She's throwing off the whole curve.
So I've been working my hard work'in mommy ass off. I've made him adding and subtracting flash cards, a vocab word matching game, I got him this little wooden clock to work on his time telling skills. I also bought some dice and some magnetic counters to work on his math. Everytime he works on and activity he gets a quarter. At the end of the week he gets to take his quarters to the dollar store!!!!!! I love that place!!
Loudest band ever.
They play here quite often.
Some kids peak later than others.