I'm feeling pretty down. Jason and I have had troubles in our marriage before. Serious problems. Now it's like things are fine but we never have conversations that don't involve money or the kids. I tried to ask him about his day at work or his friends what he did when he went out. He just gives one word answeres. He barely holds me anymore. Gives me little pecks for kisses now. He's been going out alot more. Tonight he wants go out with a bunch of his single friends.
When he's home he's held up in our room playing vidio games. We used to be such a loving couple. He has been giving and loving and now he's just here. It's not like he's mean to me. Just that he dosen't act the way he used to. I guess that relationships change. I feel like his relationship with the children has changed too. Tyson came home with a fever of 103. Jay picked him up because I wasn't able too but he just brought him home and put him to bed. Then Jay played vidio games till I got home. He didn't give Ty and ice pack, cool bath, push liquids or give him motrin to try and lower his poor fever.
I don't know why he wouldn't try to help him. He's really changed. I don't know why and he wont talk to me about it.

I hope things get better for you
Anyway, I've been married for 18 years and I'm a guy and my wife and have a child (although he's only 6 mos old), so maybe I have a little insight.
This is NOT to make excuses for Jason, because I think when you have children all bets are off and you have to rise above whatever your own personal deal is (although folks are allowed to make the occassional mistake I believe - nobody's perfect).
First, when I hear about lots of video games, unless he's 12 I would immediately think depression. I would absolutely be concerned with his going out so much as well. Again, I don't really know what it means, but it certainly is a symptom that something's wrong (with him). I think it's fine to go out sometimes with just the guys (or guys and girls), but when you add in everything else he's been doing (or not doing), it doesn't seem very healthy for your relationship.
AND, the way he seems so indifferent to your kids, I don't know, that seems the worst of it all.
Now before you think I'm saying I think it's hopeless, I'm not. I've kind of been where Jason is (I think), and though I didn't understand it at the time, I was just having a hard time realizing that I HAD to grow up and mature. I denied it for quite awhile and tried to find ways to blame other people, and when that didn't work I would just zone out and play video games (it's very easy to shut out the world that way). In reality I was clinically depressed (although I didn't seek help). Eventually (over years) I came out of it and figured my shit out. Luckily we didn't have any children.
I would recommend counseling for you guys (and especially for him), and I believe in it, but my wife and did tons of it and don't know if it really helped us that much. I think if you find the right counsellor they can be a lot of help (we didn't).
Sorry for writing so much. I would've gone private if I'd realized...
And now everyone knows my shit!!!!
Oh no!