Who knew a 3 year olds birthday would be such a big deal?? Joy will be 3 on the 1st of Feb. The planning has been insane. I'm up to my neck in pink streamers! I'm making pink kitty cupcakes this year instead of one birthday cake. We're also having star shaped sandwiches. And smilies shaped frenchfries. I haven't really decided what to get her for presents. She really has so many toys. Although we really don't have alot to do with the toys. Maybe we'll get her some kind of toy box.
I'd like to get a coat rack or some kind of closet for all of her dressup clothes. That would be fun. Time just goes by so quickly. I still remeber when I was pregnant with her. it seems like it was only a few months ago.
I still think she should never go to school. She'll always bee WAY to young for that!
I'm still being plaged with foot pain. THe wrapping is a drag. Although I'm sure it's pretty commical to watch me take a bath with my feet dangeling over the side of the tub. It's seems like I'm always iceing or stretching them. I hope it's worth it and I don't have to have surgery. I really don't want to.
Other than the foot problems things have been good. I love the penpal group! I have so much support from them!
My kitty went to the vet today to get spayed. SHe has to stay there overnight. It'll be strange to not have her wake me up in the morning by licking my eyes. I'll worry about her untill she returnes. I'm sure alot of people don't get it. But my pets are just like my children to me. Think good thoughts for my LiLu.
I did didnt I... I am so sorry, I have been gone for like the last month and a half, I have been home for like 2 days. I think my roomate said something about it being there though.