Meet Kristen McGee. The devil incarnate.
The Rehab unit at the hospital is doing a "biggest loser" contest and I joined out of humiliation when one of the other girls in the office suggested that I "needed it".
I have lost 6 pounds already and it's only the first week. Think skinny thoughts for me. Do any of you have some AMAZING get healthy/skinny tips??
Here are some happy thoughts.
Did you know that the 2 most neglected words in the dictionary are THANK YOU??!!! People be nice to each other!!
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.
- Mark Twain
One last happy thought;
Got your card, hon. So very sweet! I'm not sure what you were refering to when you asked me about the weather comment, though. If you could give me a clue (I'm always clueless), I'd be happy to shine a little light on it!
Thanks for the card... I leave in 2 weeks, and then postcards will come from all over the country!
And about the weather...uhhhh....I got nothin, hon. I honestly don't remember. Probably the snow, though.